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After around half an hour of setting up fences I looked up at him.

"It's weird how you think of someone one way and then you can think of them in a completely other way in seconds."

"Yeah. What was your first impression of me?" He quickly asked.

I giggled. "Cute."

He laughed and licked his hand and pulled it through his hair.

I looked down at my scuffed boots, "But then you asked that question in ten questions, just to make fun of me. And I didn't think that was funny."

He raised his eyebrows and me, "I wasn't making fun of you Blue."

"Mhm." I nodded, unconvinced. "They why the hell would you ask someone who's obviously a loser if they have lost their virginity?" I started to get more and more angry by the second.

"Wait what? Is that why you were angry at me?"

"Yes. It's why I still am."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Look, Blue, I'm really sorry. I didn't know it would make you feel uncomfortable. I guess I just assumed." Glancing up at me, he apologised again.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

"You don't know what?" He questioned.

"If you are telling the truth."

"Why would I lie to you?"

"I don't know." I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, taking a sip of his water.

"Well I guess it's because I don't get how I can, um. Like you, when I have just met you..."

Chase spat out his water, "You like me?!"

"I don't know that either I mean, we have only known each other, for, hmmm..." I looked down at my wrist. "2 days."

"Do you not believe in love at first sight?" He joked.

"Not particularly."

"I do." He whispered as he nudged me.

"I hardly know ANYTHING about you. How can we be a thing?"

"A thing?"

"You know, a thing."

"We are a thing?"

"Well I'm not sure. Are we a thing?"

"We have to know each other to be a thing."

"That's right."

"And I don't know you well."

"That is also right." I said, gazing into his eyes, and because I'm me... I tripped over the extra fence wiring and fell. Into a patch of bindis. He lifted me up and laughed.

"Fact 1. I'm really clumsy."

Time passed quickly and we gave each other facts about ourselves until sun started to go down.  But they were what I call surface facts. They weren't deep. I wanted to know about him. Not his favourite movie, or his middle name. I wanted to know what made him tick.


I glanced at him. My stomach did butterflies. Why did he like me? I mean if he did. He never actually said it.

I grabbed the sandwiches out of my backpack, "Dinner is served."

I lay out the picnic rug and lay down, eating my sandwich. He flopped down next to me, "Who knew putting up poles was so tiring?"

"Yeah I know right. I'm exhausted."

"Hey. I'm sorry about dropping you yesterday." He looked at me carefully, as if I was a delicate glass doll.

"It's okay." I whispered.

"No. It's really not."

I smiled up at him, thankful that he was sorry.

"Let's try this again." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Trust me." His warm breath whispered into my neck. I nodded. I straightened up and put out my arms. I let myself drift down onto his arms. He lifted my legs off the ground and twirled me around, I squealed, laughing. He put me down and put his left hand on my waist, he intwined his other hand in mine.

"Do you know how to do the tango?" He suddenly asked.


"The dance."

"No. Not really."

"Good. Me neither."

He started taking strong steps and pulling me with him.

"Sorry to ask." I said as I stumbled with him. "But what exactly are we doing?"

"Dancing under the stars."

"Right...why's that?"

"It's on my bucket list." I just laughed at him and we continued to dance appallingly under the stars.

When we stopped, he held me in his arms. He stared into my eyes and pulled the thick elastic out of my hair, letting the brown locks tumble down. He spun me one more time. I felt something come over me. Some thing amazing. I wanted him.

"It's just us." He mumbled.

I held his hands and strongly pulled his body to mine. He pulled me even closer. We kissed. A lot. It felt amazing. He kissed me. Soft and warm. Tingly. He kissed me and I breathed out and kissed him back. He started to kiss my neck.

My mouth was at his ear as he moved his arms up and down my back, massaging it. My legs wrapped around his strong torso and he gently lay down on the picnic rug. His body against mine was amazing. This feeling, it was right. The stars glimmered up above and he kissed my neck. I wanted him. I unbuttoned his shirt, slowly and carefully. He breathed out and slithered his hands down my shirt, pulling it over my head. I liked this.


No I didn't.

This was wrong. I don't even know him.

I stopped and sat on his stomach. He was lying down. I was in my bra and he was shirtless. I was suddenly embarrassed. He had done this before, I hadn't. I wasn't ready. Was I a slut?

Yes. I am a slut.

A/N: what is going to happen next?

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