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{the next day}

I yelled at Dakota to hurry up. She finally bursted through the tent opening holding a bunch of clothes.

"I think the white top with the floral shorts?" She rushed out.

"Mhm sounds good." I said, quickly pulling the shirt over my head.

"Okay makeup and hair let's go." She snapped her fingers and I turned around so she could do my makeup. After a couple minutes of her pulling at my hair and applying lip gloss and mascara, she announced that she was done.

"Foundation?" I questioned.

"No. Everyone loves your freckles."

"I don't." I mumbled back before she pushed me out of the tent yelling that I was late.

I met Chase out the front of the tent, he smiled and greeted me.

"Hey Blue."

"Hi Chase."

Oh my gosh I was so awkward.

"You're blushing." He pointed out, smirking. "Alright, let's go."

He took my arm and guided me to the truck that was waiting for us to go to town. April, Cal and Dakota were already there.

"Hey sweet cheeks!" April waved towards me, patting the seat next to her. I nodded and jumped in the truck.

Cal was driving, and he turned the music up load. The song that came on was 'Back Home' by Andy Grammer, I looked at Chase and smiled, shaking my head.

Agh. Pop music.

Regardless, I knew all the words and I sang along, dancing as much as I could in the car. Finally we arrived in town. Because we lived in a country town, there was only one movie cinema and restaurants, limited date options. Chase had decided on the cinema because apparently 'The Fault In Our Stars' was showing. I begged him not to go, because I didn't want to be crying in front of him, but he insisted.

"Popcorn?" Chase asked as we stepped into the cinema.

"Um yah!" I laughed, as if I would have said no.

We got out tickets to the movie and sat down in our seats, popcorn and lemonade in hand.

"Am I allowed to do the yawn and stretch?" Chase asked as the movie started.

"Huh?" I looked at him, raising my eyebrow.

"This." Chase said, as he 'yawned' and stretched his arm around me.

"Yes your allowed." I murmured, and settled in to watch the movie.


"I cannot believe you cried when they first met!" Chase exclaimed, the movie had finished and we were sitting out the front of the cinema, chatting.

"It's because I knew that it was a sad ending!"

"But the movie had just started!"

I nodded, "But it's still tragic you know?"

"What is tragedy?" He asked, "Not the definition, like an example."

"A beautiful tragedy." I whispered, under my breath.


"A poem?"

"Yeah." I answered, wondering why I was telling him this.

"Alright now you have to tell me it."

I shook my head and blushed, "No I don't!"

His eyes lit up and he laughed. "Please." He said more sternly.

"Fine." I murmured, and cleared my throat nervously. Trying to recite the poem.

"She was losing herself, slowly, drifting
and he was too
they met at the almost end
the almost end of everything
they talked over a glass of tears
in the movies they would have fallen in love
but love was far from their mind
and they jumped together
they couldn't even save each other
Oh what a beautiful tragedy."

I finished. Looking at the ground.

"It is a beautiful tragedy."

"What do you mean?"

"Love. It's a beautiful tragedy."

I nodded, staring at the sky. I glanced at my watch.



I quickly stood up, grabbing my bag. As I did, a small piece of paper fluttered out.

The insane definition. I rushed down to pick it up, hoping Chase wouldn't see. But he did.

"What was that?" He questioned as I shoved the paper back in my bag.


"Nothing?" He smoothly pulled the paper out my bag again.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled and tried to snatch it out of his hands.

"Insane." He said, reading it out. "In a state of mind which prevents normal perception or behaviour." Chase paused, thinking. "Like dreaming. Yeah?"


I stopped struggling to get the paper back, and relaxed. "Yeah. Like dreaming."

He passed me back the paper, "I think we are both slightly insane."

I grinned. "Just slightly."

"Your so interesting Blue."

A car beeping interrupted us, I looked to see April driving it, gesturing for us to get in.

I rolled my eyes and ran to car. When we got back to the farm I collapsed into a sleep, dreaming about being slightly insane.

I woke to Chase shaking me, "You got see this!" He dragged my hand outside and I held my breath as I watched the kangaroos hop past us. I glanced at Dakota and Calum who were holding hands, April stood beside them, focused on the Kangaroos.

And then I looked at Chase, his deep green eyes looking at the Kangaroos, his wavy blonde hair swept across his eyes. I immediately felt the urge to kiss him.

And I did.

A/N: this was a happy chapter! Who is your favourite character?

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