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Skylar POV

I smiled at my kids, I felt bad that I had to put them through the divorce, but I think it was for the best. I loved them, I really did. Lucy, the youngest, had blue eyes like me. I smiled as I watched her stroke our cat. I heard the ocean waves crash from outside my house.

"Hey Mum?" Lucy asked.


"Isn't it weird that I got your blue eyes and the others got Dads brown eyes?"

"Yeah. I suppose so." I said. Smiling to myself.

Blue. Chase was slowly fading from my memory. I didn't remember his laugh or his smile, I didn't remember much about him.

But I remember how he made me feel. I remember when he took me to ocean. The first person I loved. And I never stopped loving him. I'm sure he would be married with children and have a job as an artist. His Australian accent would be replaced with an English one. He had probably changed, he wouldn't be the same Chase I fell in love with.

I pushed my hair behind my ears. Trying to remember when he used to do that for me.

"Can I give you advice Lucy?" I asked her.


"Don't let go."

"Of what."

"Of people." I paused "Don't let go of people that you love. Because once you do, you won't get them back."

She gave me a confused look but nodded slightly.

I was still Blue.

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