☼ A Weird Forecast ☼

2.9K 65 34

Episode: Stormy Weather
Word count: 6,275
• Y/N - Your Name
First Person:


"Welcome to the finals of our Kidz Plus competition, where today, one lucky winner will be announced as our brand new Kidz Plus weather girl."

As this is being said, the TV screen pans a tall glass building in Paris. The screen changes to show a crowd chanting "Mireille!", and a man opening a car door for two young ladies.

The first to get out is a girl with long, blonde hair styled in ponytails wearing a blue dress and holding a sky-themed umbrella, waving at the people around her.

The next girl has short blue hair styled in a bob haircut. She is wearing a turquoise colored top. She also waves at her fans once they start chanting her name.

Alec Cataldi, the host, starts speaking. "We started off with 5,000 contestants, but with the help of our audience at home, we've whittled our talent down to just these two amazing young ladies." He points to the two girls.

He puts his hands together, "So, let's welcome our fantastic finalists."

The camera pans to the blonde girl. "To my right, Aurore Beaureal." She holds up a peace sign.

The camera changes to the other girl, "And, on my left, Mireille Caquet."

Back to Alec, "Who will be our lucky winner? Vote now! Type '1' for Aurore, '2' for Mireille. And remember, standard texting rates apply."


"Come on, Manon. Give that back!"

The TV plays on in the background, as Marinette chases Manon, Nadja Chamack's daughter, around her living room. I am currently standing in the corner by the door, trying to avoid being tackled.

Manon stands on the couch, putting on a hat, "But I want to be a fashion designer too!"

Marinette goes to grab the little girl, but Manon jumps out of the way, leaving her to face plant into the couch.

"Manon. Please. It's not finished." She runs to hide under the dining table, Marinette going after her, "You're gonna ruin it."

The little thief giggles, revealing her spot. The frustrated bluenette goes under the table, only for Manon to move again.

Annoyed, Marinette tries to stand up... still under the table, hitting her head, as Manon runs away again.

Ouch... that's gonna hurt later.

Marinette is now crawling around by the couch, looking for the girl she is babysitting. Manon peaks around the couch, and I take this time to step behind her and pick her up.

"Hey, no fair! I thought you weren't playing!"

"A lot of things aren't fair—"

I cut off my sentence because I'm kicked by the squirming child in my arms. I drop her, and she runs around me. Luckily though, the hat falls off of her.

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