☼ Vigorous Race ☼

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Episode: Timebreaker
Word count: 4,420
• Y/N - Your Name
First Person:


"Mm... Where are we going again?"

"I'm going to hang out with Marinette and do some homework together. ... And to make sure she can handle everything today, then I get to go watch the race between Alix and Kim with everyone."

I'm walking along the busy streets of Paris, Dawnn poking her head out of my sling bag.

"Ooo. Can we maybe get a snack from there?"

"I thought you already have snacks in there with you?"

"Um... I almost ate all of them already."

"Ugh, Dawnn..."


After a bit more walking, I can see Marinette's home in view. Dawnn tucks back into my bag. I approach the building and look in the window.

Hm... Oh, that shadow looks like Marinette.

I knock, and a moment later the shadow comes closer. The door opens, revealing a smiling Marinette.

"Hey, Mari!"

"Y/N! You've made it. Now, come in."

She pulls me into her parents bakery, and I smell all of the sweet treats.

"Mm, it always smells so good here." I look at the bluenette, "Where are you're parents going again?"

"Oh, it's their 20th wedding anniversary."

"Really? I wish I knew! I would have bought a gift," I sigh.


Marinette pushes her parents out the door, "You're going to be late."

They turn to face us. "Now, don't forget, Mrs. Chamack will be coming by to pick up the Eiffel Tower cake in 30 minutes," Tom points to a cake shaped like the tower. "I'm depending on you."

"Yeah, yeah, no sweat," Marinette steps inside and starts closing the door. "Piece of cake."

"Happy anniversary," I manage to say before the door is completely shut.

"Well," my friend starts, "we should probably get some homework done while we can."

"Ah, if we must..."


Third Person:

Arriving at Le Grand Paris for their anniversary, Tom and Sabine take a seat. Tom looks around, and spots someone familiar. He gives a wave, and a girl with red hair and blue eyes waves back.

Alix turns to her father, who is across from her.

"They're Marinette's parent. You know, one of the chicks I hang out with."

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