☼ No Clue What's Happening ☼

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Episode: The Mime
Word count: 9,245
• Y/N - Your Name
• F/C - Favorite Color
First Person:


I quickly fly around, finding my way to Marinette's house. Spotting the bakery and Alya, I decided to land in a nearby alleyway.

"Return to ash," I say as my feet touch the ground.

I transform back to my civilian self, Dawnn flying out of the Miraculous around my neck. Arctiic pops out of my bag, handing me a cinnamon stick for Dawnn.

"What was with the rush today?" Dawnn asks as I hand her the snack.

"Did you forget? I'm hanging out with Alya and Marinette," I remind her as I put her in my bag next to the wolf kwami.

"Ooo, if that's the case, then get me a croissant," Dawnn smiles as I start to walk.

"And me a macaron!" Arctiic shouts.

"Fine, fine. I will. Just stay in my bag," I promise as I push the kwamis down.

I exit the alley, seeing Alya in front of me.


She stops and turns, and I run up to her.

"Hey, Y/N," she grins at me, putting an arm around my shoulder as we start to walk again. "Ready to hang out with me and Marinette?"

"Duh, otherwise I wouldn't be here," I laugh. "Plus, I love hanging out with you guys."

"Awe, you melt my heart," Alya gushes and laughs as we approach the bakery.

When she opens the door, the smell of freshly baked bread and pastries fills my nose.

"Ah, Y/N! Ayla! Welcome back," Sabine smiles at us from behind the counter.

"Hello, Sabine," I wave.

"Good morning, girls," Tom greets us as he shuts the oven.

"Good morning!" Alya says as we fully walk into the bakery. She walks over to the staircase to go to Marinette's room.

Before I leave to follow Alya over to the staircase, Tom stops me.

"Hello," I say, turning around.

He hands me a bag, "Here you go, Y/N."

I look inside the bag and see a croissant and a few chocolate macarons inside.

I turn back to Mr. Dupain, "Thank you... But what's this for?"

"Well, whenever you come over, I notice you always leave with a few things, so I wanted to give you them while they are fresh," he smiles at me.

I gasp a bit, and I return the smile.

"Y/N! Are you coming?" Alya yells from upstairs.

"Oh! Right. Thank you," I say again as I quickly turn around and run upstairs to Alya.

"Marinette! Y/N and Alya are here!" Sabine yells up to her daughter.

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