☼ Unexcepted Date ☼

1.6K 40 130

Episode: Evillustrator
Word count:
Key: 8,640
• Y/N - Your Name
Third Person:



Y/N runs away from Stormy Weather, only to come face to face with Lady WiFi.

She girl slides to a stop, quickly turning back around to run again as the villain, now behind her, prepares an attack.

Caught mid run, Y/N is hit by Lady WiFi's pause, followed up by Stormy Weather freezing her in ice.

The two villains walk up to each other, laughing as they shake hands.

Unbeknownst to them, someone lands behind. He grabs his pencil, spinning it around.

The villains gasp, turning around. Stormy Weather prepares another ice blast, but the hero is quick, drawing on the tablet attached to his arm. He draws an umbrella, matching Stormy Weather's, then erases it.

"Huh?" Lady WiFi looks over, gasping as her partner's umbrella is erased from her sight and hands.

Lady WiFi now steps up, phone ready to attack.

The hero is quicker, drawing a box to trap the villains in.

Y/N starts to move again, the ice that trapped her being erased.

"Oh, SuperNathan, you're my hero," the girl gushes, running up to the hero.

She hugs him, SuperNathan returning it.

"It was nothing," he smiles.

"I love you," the girl says, looking up at the boy.

"I love you too, Y/N."


First Person:

"Nathaniel!" Ms. Mendeleiev, our science teacher, calls out. "What are you drawing?"

"Huh?" The redhead in the back of the classroom lifts his head, coming out of his daydream. He stares at the teacher looming above him.

Nathaniel, a boy with the red hair, was caught by Ms. Ms. Mendeleiev draws and not paying attention to class.

"What?" The boy asks, still confused.

"And these artistic endeavors," she continues, "are clearly why you are failing science."

She drops the drawings, them falling all over the floor.

"I'm sorry," Nathaniel apologizes.

"You go march yourself yourself down to the principal's office and show him that chicken scratch," the teacher demands.

Nathaniel stands up, collecting his tablet and papers into his bag. Unfortunately for him, he trips over Marinette's bag.

"Whoa!" He shouts as he falls, his sketch pad falling out of his bag.

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