☼ Illicit Relations ☼

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Episode: Copycat
Word count: 5,270
• Y/N - Your Name
Third Person:


In Paris, people gather in a park to celebrate their beloved heroes. Many hold cameras, ready to see the unveiling and hope to see their heroes.

A man, Théo Barabot, stands, nervously chewing on a lollypop.

The Mayor of the city stands next to him, proud. "I'm sure you've outdone yourself, Théo."

Théo looks at the mayor and bows, "It was my honor."
He stands straight, reaching into his jacket pocket, and pulls out a picture of the Miraculous Trinity, jumping through the city. "And I can't wait to meet Soleil Ailé."

He looks up at the covered statue behind him.

"I hope she'll autograph the photo I used as the inspiration for the statue."

Mayor Bourgeois looks at his watch. "Oh, it's nearly time! Our heroes should already be here by now."


First Person:

"Dawnn! Arctiic! Where did you put my shoes?!"

"I don't know," the Phoenix kwami shrugs, floating in the air. "You know I don't want to be late for this marvelous event either."

"Then help me look," I propose. "And where is Arctiic? He's usually attached to you or me."

"Probably hiding with the shoes he hid."

Dawnn starts looking around. We look for a few minutes until I start to approach my closet. My kwami is whining about something, but I shush her when I hear snickering coming from inside it.

She flies over, sitting on my shoulder as I crack open the door. In the dark, I see a small wolf sitting in my shoes.

"Found you!"

Arctiic jumps as I open the door fully, falling out of the shoes. He bursts out laughing as I put on the shoes.

"Okay, I say we're late enough. Dawnn, rise up!"


Third Person:

Cat Noir cheers, flinging himself across the Parisian roofs to reach the park. Behind him, Ladybug follows, swinging on her yo-yo.

The cat hero lands on the podium of the statue, waving to the crowd of people while laughing. Ladybug is next, landing next to her partner.

"Hey, everybody!" Cat Noir smiles.

"Thank you for coming," Ladybug says next.

The crowd cheers and waves, multiple people taking pictures of them. While waiting for the event to fully start, the heroes chat.

Théo comes up to the pair, "Excuse me, Ladybug and Cat Noir, but Soleil Ailé's not here."

"Don't worry about Soleil. She's bound to be here any minute," Ladybug reassures.

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