☼ Sour Valentine's Day ☼

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Episode: Dark Cupid
Word count: 6,245
• Y/N - Your Name
First Person:


"In most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess."

Miss Bustier reviews our lesson. "Can anyone tell us why?"

"Because only love can conquer hate," Rose stands up.

"Correct, Rose."

"Technically speaking," Max begins, "this reading is only exhibited..."

I zone out as Max goes on his 'calculations spiel'. Instead, I focus on how the bluenette and the blonde boy in front of me are both writing letters.

I try and peek at Adrien's, but his head is in the way. When I try Marinette, she quickly covers her paper and gives me a small glare.

Fine. Be that way...

"Thank you, Max. That's enough," Miss Bustier kindly tells the boy to be quiet. "Adrien, Marinette, I hope what you're writing has to do with my lesson."

It seems like Miss Bustier noticed because Marinette gasps, and Adrien just looks up from his paper.

"Can you two please tell me what I just said?"

"That's why in most fairy tales the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess," Adrien states.

Marinette adds on, "because only love conquers hate."

Miss Bustier smiles, "Very good."

The bell rings. The students around me gather their bags and start to leave.

"Now, everyone, don't forget to finish 'Sleeping Beauty' by Charles Perrault tonight," our teacher announces the homework. "And happy Valentine's Day, students."

Alya and I begin to pack up.

"Hey, go ahead, I'll meet you guys outside," Marinette says.

Alya nods and I give a thumbs up, exiting the classroom and waiting with my friend.

✧ ☲ ☲ ☲ ☲ ☲✧

Third Person:

As her friends leave the room, Marinette gets up and walks next to her classmate.

"Hey, Adrien."

His head turns as he stands up. "Oh. Hi, Marinette."

The boy grabs his paper and puts it in his backpack. As he begins to walk away, Marinette follows.

"So," she begins, "who are you writing to?"

Adrien looks her up and down, "Noneya."


"None ya business," he smirks as he crumbles his paper, throwing it out. "Now, I have to go. Bye," he waves as he exits the room.

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