☼ Ridiculous Day ☼

333 13 60

Episode: Animan
Word count: 7,265
• Y/N - Your Name
First Person:


Adrien and I watch Nino peer around the corner, watching my two other friends.

"FYI," I start, making Nino come out of his trance, and turning around with a gasp. "Marinette's never going to fall in love with a statue."

Adrien laughs as Nino fumbles around, dragging me around the corner to where we are hidden from Marinette and Alya's view.

"Shh! You know I'm no good with the ladies, especially this one all of a sudden," Nino sighs.

"You have no problem talking to Y/N," Adrien says.

"But Y/N is different! I'm actually chill with her..."

I clasp my hands together, "No worries, Nino! You just need to become more familiar with Marinette like you did with me."

"I mean, dudette, do I go up to her and crack a joke? Shoot her a compliment? Invite her to the zoo, play it serious?" Nino rants, stressing out.

"Nino, you're overthinking this," I try to comfort him.

Adrien smiles pitifully at his friend. "Invite her to the zoo? Are you serious?"

Nino groans, "Well, they have this really cool new exhibit there."

Adrien wraps an arm around Nino, "Listen, just be yourself, man."

"Exactly, she loves it when people are authentic with her," I smile, nodding.

Nino moves away from Adrien, looking both of us up and down. "That's easy for you two to say, Mr. and Mrs. Front of the Cover Teen Model Weekly. I'm not that cool."

"You're cool too, dude. Trust me. Or you wouldn't be my best bud, next to Y/N, of course. Anyway, invite her to the zoo."

"She'll definitely say yes," I wink.

"Hm," Nino nods, fixing his hat as he marches over to where my friends are.

Adrien and I nod, proud of our friend.

Halfway over there, however, Nino turns around, scampering back over with us.

He crouches over with his hands over his head as he freaks out, "What if I act like a Moron-a-saurus? Or she disses me, or she thinks I'm lame, or—"

"Okay, we've got your back," I say, leaning a hand down to the nervous wreck on the floor. Nino takes it to help stand himself up.

Adrien holds up a fist and the two fist bump.


At the break time of the school day, I rushed out of my classroom to meet up with Adrien and Nino before Marinette and Alya could find me.

The three of us make our way outside of the school, hiding against the staircase. As my two friends walk down the staircase and past the side of it, Adrien and I urge Nino to make a move.

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