Chapter 10

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Don't forget to check out my other stories.

Alpha - Scomavi: A small country split after the death of its Alpha. The three heirs start a war for the throne, until the goddess Selene launches a prophecy. The great Alpha will be reborn when three children are born under the same full moon. Centuries pass until three boys fulfill the first part of the prophecy. The great Alpha is about to be reborn. He will take the three thrones and a new era will begin. What happens when the new Alpha chooses the other two as his mates?

I choose you - Mavi: Mitch Grassi always looked for the perfect man. Tall, strong, emotionally, and financially stable. What he didn't realize was that he was going to be saved by this man.

For the king's birthday!!

Seasons - Winter Winds

Scott was sitting on a wooden bench in front of a black backdrop, wearing an open white button-down shirt with a black shirt underneath. He had on jeans and bare feet, his freshly cut hair tousled as he allowed the makeup artist to finish touching up his makeup.

Esther was scrolling through her phone in a corner.

"Ready?" the photographer asked, and Scott simply nodded.

They began shooting. The music was playing loudly in the studio, and Scott was relaxed. He smiled, laughed, and moved naturally.

Esther stopped typing for a moment and looked at the blond man. Scott was a good actor, she had to admit that. Since he had returned from Texas, he was a different man. A bit grumpier. More introspective. But now, in that moment... Scott was the man she had known years before. They needed to do the photoshoot, and Scott didn't oppose or argue. He also didn't want to talk about Mitch or explain more than she knew. Esther just knew that Mitch had been Scott's first love, that they were best friends, and that at some point, the man had cut Scott off completely.

She took a sip of her cold coffee, listening to Scott's laughter. His phone rang, and she answered.

"Scott Hoying's phone, Esther speaking."

"Esther, let me talk to him," Alexa demanded.

"He's busy right now," Esther suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. She couldn't understand Scott's friendship with that woman. "I'll let him know you called."

Esther hung up before the woman could say anything. Scott was smiling at one of the photographer's assistants. Oh yes... Esther knew perfectly well that the Texan charm of the man could win over any woman within a 5km radius. Scott smiled, let a bit of his accent show, pulled out chairs, opened doors, offered his arm... and all the women melted for those bright blue eyes.

That had been the reason he had quickly gained the favor of women while still on the show. He was tall, handsome, and charming... he was a good singer and a great dancer. Scott was the complete package for the industry.

She took another sip of coffee, watching Scott take off his button-down shirt, revealing his long arms. He pulled out the sleeveless shirt and put it on, leaving the white shirt open, exposing part of the tattoo he had on his collarbone. The assistant who was smiling too much at him approached, adjusting the shirt, leaving one of Scott's shoulders exposed along with the flowers he had tattooed. Scott didn't have very developed muscles, but he was cut enough for his musculature to be defined.

He followed the new directions, fewer smiles, more seductive looks, and tense jaws.

The manager could see the success he would have among men when he decided to come out of the closet. Scott was releasing a more mature album; it was an album about possible and impossible loves... songs about suffering and overcoming. She wanted him to step out of the juvenile realm and start reaching a new level of fans.

Seasons - Winter windsWhere stories live. Discover now