Chapter 28

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Scott sat in the studio, staring at the piano. The screen of his phone glowed softly; he had checked the time just seconds earlier. 3:33 AM. He couldn't sleep and felt restless. He had already gone for a run and punched the bag, but nothing seemed to calm the anxious energy coursing through his veins. He hit the keys aimlessly, just trying to find a note that could connect to another and another...

As he continued to play random notes, Scott's mind wandered back to the events of the day. Kirstin's nervous smile, the way she had leaned into his embrace, and the underlying tension in her voice as she spoke about the kids back home. He knew the weight of it all was pressing down on her, just as it was on him. The thoughts swirling in his head made it impossible to focus on anything, let alone sleep.

Frustrated, he ran his fingers through his hair and let out a deep sigh. He needed to channel this energy into something productive, something that could perhaps bring some clarity. Scott closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let his fingers glide over the keys, this time more intentionally. A melody began to form, tentative at first, then gradually growing in strength and coherence.

As the music flowed, Scott found a sense of release. The notes started to weave together into a tune that felt both melancholic and hopeful, mirroring the mix of emotions he was feeling. He lost track of time, immersed in the creative process, the music becoming an outlet for his restless thoughts and feelings.

After what felt like hours, Scott finally lifted his hands from the keys, the last note lingering in the air. He took a moment to absorb the silence that followed, feeling a bit lighter. The music had provided a temporary escape, a way to process everything that was weighing on him.

Reaching for his phone again, he saw that it was now close to dawn. He knew he wouldn't get much sleep, but at least he felt a bit more at peace. Scott saved the melody he had been working on, a potential new song that might resonate with others who were also dealing with their own struggles.

With a sense of quiet resolve, he got up from the piano and decided to make a pot of coffee. Today would be another long day, but he felt a little more prepared to face it.


Mitch was walking down the corridor, carrying some chairs he had taken to repair. He heard the sound of a piano and stopped; he recognized the melody. He hurried down the hall, left the chairs outside the door, and entered the choir room.

The young man sitting at the piano had his back straight as he played passionately. Mitch recognized him; he was always quiet and alone.

"Wonderwall..." Mitch said aloud, and the young man stopped playing, lifting his head of dark hair. "Who are you resenting?"

The young man turned slowly to face him, his dark eyes studying Mitch carefully. "Resentment?" His voice was pleasant.

Mitch sighed and approached the piano. The young man automatically slid over on the bench to make space for him.

"It's a song that tries to understand resentment." Mitch began the song. "It starts with melancholic chords." The deep, long notes resonated. "It's like you're ruminating on a feeling, like you can't swallow it." He brought his other hand to the keys while maintaining the deep base, a new melody overlaying it. "Then the vocal is mocking, creating an expectation that tries to mend the pain you're feeling." Mitch kept the melody calm, his fingers moving as if he had never abandoned the instrument. "The thing is, when you resent something or someone... it's because deep down, you don't want to let go of that feeling. You want to hold onto it, so you go in circles." His hands moved back and forth on the keys, repeating the harmony several times. "Unless you really try to change." Then he altered the harmony. "Because the truth is... we all have resentments, but not all of us try to fight them. But notice... the melody softens when you change. It becomes lighter..."

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