Chapter 18

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Mitch tossed and turned in the seat; they were parked at a truck stop for the night. He just couldn't sleep; everything Nate had said was still swirling around in his mind. Plus, there was the very subtle implication that Nate might be interested in Mitch.

He wasn't stupid to think that Nate was doing all of this purely out of simple friendship. There had to be some interest there, he had to admit that Nate had been a gentleman so far. Never crossing boundaries and always being kind. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, able to hear the deep breathing of the man who was exhausted from driving all day. He rubbed his face and turned to look at Nathan. For a moment, he thought about what he had said about Scott's music. "Just someone wanting to find my own way of loving." He took a deep breath and reached for his backpack, careful not to disturb Nathan. He grabbed his headphones and the phone from the backpack. He searched for Scott's music and fell silent with his eyes closed, listening to him sing.

The music was calm and slightly emotional. Scott's voice was slightly fragile and strong at the same time; Mitch couldn't fully define it. It was as if the rapid transitions comforted him while the lyrics pushed him to the edge. Nate was right; it was as if Scott knew he would eventually come out to the public. He took a deep breath and went into his messages, Scott's last message still there without any response.

SH: I gave the speech. I jumped off the cliff. I'm coming home. Are you also trying to come home?

His thumbs hovered over the keyboard as Mitch took a deep breath, trying to think about what to reply.

MG: I'm just someone trying to find my own road to walk.

He knew he was being a complete idiot replying to the message days later using a lyric from Scott's own song, but it was all he had. He looked up at the truck's ceiling, holding the phone. Sleep wasn't going to come.

The phone vibrated, and he closed his eyes, silently praying to a God he didn't even believe in.

SH: And it's not easy to live like this.

Scott had simply replied with another small excerpt from the song. Mitch smiled and looked at Nate. Leave a door open and a light on.

MG: I'm heading to LA. Need to pick up some stuff from my old apartment with Dylan. Nate's with me.

SH: So going back to Arlington is really a thing?

MG: Yeah, I'll help Mrs. Lewis with the students. I'm trying in my own way to come back home.

SH: Did you see the speech?

MG: Yeah, congrats on having the courage.

SH: Yeah, I'll mention that to the label's marketing tomorrow.

MG: Any issues?

SH: Not sure, it took them days to call me for a meeting. Thought it would be the next day.

MG: Want to grab a drink while I'm in LA?

He stopped as soon as he sent the message, it was thoughtless. His mouth dried up, and his heart raced. What was he thinking when he sent the message? That was the problem with having contact with Scott; things sometimes became easy, and he forgot everything.

SH: We can, but it needs to be before Wednesday, I'll need to go to NY and then Nashville.

Mitch licked his dry lips and took a deep breath, rubbing his hand on his shorts and looking at Nate, who was still sleeping peacefully.

MG: Dylan should be performing at the bar.

Yeah, put Dylan in the middle and drag Nathan along. Maybe Austin and Kelly should also be there, don't be alone with Scott. Don't put yourself in such situations, Mitchell. Not when you're not ready.

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