Chapter 12

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A/n: If you haven't read I Choose You, some things have happened in my personal life that are directly affecting my writing. I have four dogs, two dachshund boys, and two mixed-breed girls. On Monday (08/14) one of my boys woke up without moving his hind legs, he can't walk and since then he's been facing a lot of pain in his spine. I'm overwhelmed with caring for him and trying to deal with all the pain he's in, It's still unclear if he'll be permanently paralyzed at the moment he's been showing some improvement and the pain has eased a lot which makes me less tense. So I apologize, but I will need to reduce my frequency of posts, I have already managed to write some things, but not as often as I would like. I'm not abandoning the stories, I'm just asking for more patience.

Seasons - Winter Winds

Esther had already complained that he had disappeared from social media, but he simply couldn't update anything. He had just finished on the treadmill and was taking a sip of water before putting on his gloves and approaching the liteboxer. He turned on a random electronic track; he needed something more intense.

He hit hard, following the lights, his back muscles burning a bit as his arms grew heavier. He didn't hear Esther enter through the open garage door.

"Putting on a show for the neighbors?" She asked, but he didn't stop. "I'm going to make a video of this and post it on your Instagram."

He grunted, landing a harder punch, lowered his arms for the brief seconds he had before returning to the final part of the session. He knew Esther wasn't recording.

"Has the realtor called you? He left me a message that he's picked out some houses for you." She balanced on a stool, taking a sip of the coffee she held. "You know... do you really want to move? You like living here."

"I do." He delivered the last punch and lowered his burning arms, taking off one of the gloves and running his hand through his sweaty hair. "But I need... I don't know... I want a bigger, safer house."

"Has something happened that you haven't told me about?"

"No, but I want a safer house." He grabbed the water bottle and took a gulp. "I just... want a bigger house..."

"Okay... he showed me some options, and I narrowed it down to what I think you'll like. There's one in West Hollywood that has everything you like, lots of light and a beautiful view."

"Anything else?" He asked, releasing the grip on the other glove.

"There's another one also in West Hollywood, but I don't think you'll like that one as much... if I know you well, you'll feel claustrophobic in that house." She looked at him, but Scott just turned to put away the gloves. He'd clean up later, grabbed a towel and wiped his neck and arms to remove the sweat.

"So... do you already know which house I'll want?" He opened the door for her and waited for her to pass.

"I know you." Esther took another sip of coffee. "I just think you'll be annoyed by the fact that the garage only fits two cars, but both houses only have parking for two cars."

"I only have one car." Scott left the water bottle in the sink. "How much are they?"

"They're both very close in price." She leaned on the counter as he prepared a protein shake. "Are you okay? You seem anxious."

"I'm anxious." He replied, rummaging through the fridge, grabbed a bag of frozen banana slices and a container of ice. He took the almond milk from the fridge and left everything on the counter next to the blender. He had let the espresso cool before going to the garage. Quickly, he assembled the shake and set it to blend. "What about the launch party preparations?"

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