Yeonjun's Journal Part 1

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This is everything Yeonjun wrote about his experiences during the infection for the first half of the story.

Chapter 1

I was tasked to investigate the Hong's house after a call from their daughter, Hong Eunchae after she said she was attacked by them. When I stepped out of my vehicle, I had this unsettling feeling rush inside me. I heard a noise nearby and before I could react, I blacked out and woke up inside someone's bedroom with a very painful headache. Someone knocked me out and trapped me inside their house, but why? If they wanted to kill me they could've just finished the job instead of toying with me. While I attempted an escape from the house, I noticed a boy with eyes out for blood. It didn't even speak, it just chased me around the house while I tried to unlock the exit. As soon as I escaped the household, I immediately got into my car and drove back to the station for help. What we have here is much more than a missing child case...

Chapter 2

When I reached the station, it was quiet... Too quiet... I feared that this infection outbreak caused panic and everyone escaped the building. When I entered the building the intercom played with one of my best friends, Changbin speaking through it. I don't know why he showed up on his day off, but it was the least of my concerns. The garage was sealed, and my other best friend, Bang Chan was working on unlocking the door. I encountered another infected who was about to attack Chan, but I shot the infected and saved my friend. Apparently they don't die to bullets, but they're immobile. When we unlocked the garage door and got gas for Changbin's car, Chan was attacked again before he could get inside. He told us to get out of there and leave. Changbin and I were against this, but after him pleading us to, we left with despair in our hearts. I could only hope he made it out alive.

Chapter 3

It turns out the gas can I gave to Changbin was almost empty as we were running out quickly. I swear this guy never gets gas especially when we need it the most. If that wasn't bad enough, we were forced to stop in the middle of the city. I encountered a familiar face when we stopped... My mother, she fell to the infected... As much I wanted to mourn over the loss, Changbin told me to get out of there and we headed inside a Gallery and sealed the door shut. I haven't been here ever since we stopped a robbery a month ago. We used this time to rest for a little bit before getting attacked again by my infected father who was already inside the building. He suffered the same fate as mom... We managed to escape using one of the exits and we made sure to run as far away as possible.

Chapter 4

Changbin and I have been camping out in this forest for a month now. We've been visiting small towns and taking supplies from them. We spoke for days about what we'd do once this is all over. While Changbin said he'd explore the world and take us along with him, I couldn't of anything. I was still traumatized about my parents turning into the infected... One night however changed everything. I woke up in the middle of the night to discover a broken and empty potion and Changbin missing. Before getting up, I did hear him scream at one point. I searched the forest only to find him infected... I felt weak, I couldn't face the truth yet. He must've drank the potion, but why? Where did it come from? Did someone force him to drink it? This situation had many mysteries. As I left the forest to no longer be faced with such a harsh blow to my heart, I came across a radio with a voice that instructed me to head to the school. With nothing better to do I decided to head to the school.

Chapter 5

Still suffering from the loss of Changbin, I found it hard to focus, I almost lost my reason to stay alive... The person behind the radio who turned out to be Bang-Si Hyuk, who was a rich celebrity instructed me to help rescue their companion from the school. I wanted to save the person because it was in my nature to help others, I couldn't save my friend, but I can help them save theirs. That's when I met Mina for the first time, she was a beautiful girl with a sweet and personality. I was popular in school, but I never have been attracted to a girl before. Turns out she knew who I was too. She thanked me and we managed to escape an infected teacher before heading to the sewers as our escape route. There I met with Bang Si-Hyuk in person, but as he spoke and thanked me, my head was hurting until I passed out in the sewers. I don't know what happened after, but I briefly opened my eyes in a hospital with Mina telling me that she was gonna help me and I saw Changbin briefly.

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