Chapter 25

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[Dahyun's POV]

11 days have passed since then. The trip there was over a week, I wonder how Huening Kai managed to get there in a yacht... Other than that we got to know Chaeyoung more. I'm also proud to announce that I'm no longer the shortest person here. That goes to Chaeyoung if you don't count Haerin or Eunchae, but I'm not that much taller than her.

Yeonjun managed to fix his gun giving him both ranged and melee options for fighting infected. We slowly but surely started trusting Soobin more. Jimin and I have gotten closer and I might have a crush on that little mochi. He doesn't have any jams, but that's nothing to the amount of kindness he has.

I decided to reveal my secret along with Yeonjun and we told the group about our mysterious new ability to teleport. I haven't used it much after meeting the group, but it looks like Yeonjun has made good use of his ability. The power itself is still a mystery and it probably won't fully develop by the time we find a cure, but it's amazing how we can use this ability against the infection.

Right now it's almost dawn, we'll be arriving in a matter of a few minutes. I decided to go check on Yeonjun because I haven't actually seen him around for a bit. I asked everyone including his love interests, but they haven't seen him on the ship at all since midnight. I figured I should check inside the ship.

"Yeonjun? Are you in here?" I asked as I walked through the hall. "Yeonjun?"

"What? I'm in the radio room!" I heard his voice shout. I headed towards the radio room and found Yeonjun sitting down inside the dark room with a portable lantern.

"What are you doing?"

"Writing in my journal."

"Oh you're doing that again? When did you start writing again?" I asked.

"Starting from an hour ago. I just wrote about the factory, port, and ship right now..." Yeonjun said.

"We're gonna be there in a matter of minutes, that's what Chaeyoung said. Everyone hasn't seen you so I got somewhat worried. We're all waiting on the deck until we arrive!"

"Let me just finish writing this sentence... Done!"

"Alright let's meet with the-"

Suddenly we started hearing explosions from outside.

"What's going on?" Yeonjun asked.

"I dunno, but we better check it out!" I said.

[Yeonjun's POV]

Dahyun and I headed outside onto the deck to see what's going on. We saw everyone just standing together watching the explosions from the distance.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We've arrived at Vancouver," Chaeyoung said. "But it doesn't look like we'll have a welcome visit..."

"I can hardly see what's going on..." Mina said.

"Is the military bombing something?" Dahyun said.

"Bombing?!" Jimin said.

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