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Walking towards the glass doors, I could hear laughing and the clinging of glasses. My stomach churned as I feared the worst. Now now Melissa, let's not jump to conclusions. I tapped lightly against the door and was met with more laughter. Knocking the door harder, I felt the jealousy wash through my body. "Come in" the familiar voice called out. Tasha. I swung open the door standing there in my 5 inch heels with an unimpressed look on my face. "Melissa hey!" Tasha smiled whilst she lay on Frost's couch. He was seated at his desk with his shirt opened at the top, exposing his toned chest. Why did they look so comfortable? Why was she in here drinking wine with my man?! Was he my man? "Melissa." Frost spoke calmly. "Our session." I spoke calmly also whilst raising my wrist to my eyes checking the time. "Oh yes, sorry. I'll be at my desk." Tasha spoke whilst standing and pulling down her short skirt. Slut. I knew from day one she had an alterior motive with Frost, it was annoying that he couldn't see it. All her happy positive smiles at me made me think she was nice, but now - I see what she's doing. "I'll bring you the files later." She said to Frost before walking past me with a smile and the glass in her hand. I shut the door behind her before glancing over at Frost who had now moved from his seat to the window. "Are you going to sit?" He asked sipping on the last drop of wine. I walked over to the couch and sat down hesitantly, I didn't want to be sitting on it. Who knows what they were up to. "I didn't mean to disturb your..whatever that was." I spoke with a b*tchy tone. He smirked at me and I clutched onto my bag tightly trying to hide my anger. "We were just discussing work." He said as he sat back at his chair. "With wine?!" He'd be a fool to think I'm stupid. "Yes, do you want some? You seem.. tense." He traced his lips with his thumb as he spoke and for a moment I was dazed. Damn you Frost. "I'm fine. Can we start my session now?" I had a lot to talk about. Seeing my client Kirsty whom I had supposedly worked with at Weddings For You, had me scared and worried. I wasn't sure if it was a coincidence or if my past was really catching up to me. My mind raced with all these thoughts before I was brought back to reality by Frost's movements. "We can't have these sessions anymore." He spoke whilst fiddling with the papers on his desk. "Why not?" I questioned feeling pissed. "We're dating now, I can't be your therapist, regulations won't allow it." He spoke and my tummy fluttered hearing him say that we're dating. "Oh. Well I'd like Dr. Harping, is he available today? I need to talk to him." I knew asking for Dr. Harping would piss him off considering the last time I requested him, he changed my therapist for me. "I'm not sure, let me ask Tasha." He said whilst picking up the phone at his desk. My eyes rolled at both the sound of her name and the failure to annoy him. "He's fully booked today. Tomorrow at 4?" He asked putting the phone down. I sighed and nodded. Not like I had a choice now did I? "Are you alright?" He asked getting up and walking over to me. I know he could tell that something was wrong, but he wasn't my therapist now so I didn't feel the need to discuss my encounter with Kirsty with him. "No." I spoke softly whilst standing so we were facing eachother. "What's happened?" He cupped my face in his hands with a worried look. "Are you forgetting the phone call we had the other night? The way you ended that call." I was still mad. He let go of my face and walked over to his desk before sitting down again. "I don't like to discuss your friend. I don't care for him." He spoke with anger and I walked over to his desk leaning on it. "Well thanks to you, he's not my friend anymore. You didn't have to be an egotistical pr*ck you know." I spoke and he smirked at me. Why does he always do that?! "I'm sorry baby. Come." He spoke softly whilst running his hand over my thigh. My body quivered at his touch and just like a puppy, I did as I was told. "I don't like to share. You're mine Melissa, I'm sure he got the message." By now I was seated on his lap paying more attention to the way he was caressing my thighs, than to his words.


"Also I was thinking purple orchids as part of the centre pieces. Or will that clash with the pink ribbons?" Kirsty asked as we walked through the hall where her reception will take place. I was still uneasy about our first meeting but I had decided to not bring it up until I had spoken to Dr. Harping later at 4. "That's fine, they will go well together don't worry." I answered as I noted down all her requests. "You're brilliant at this. Why did you leave WFY?" Here we go. I cleared my throat before speaking. "Just wasn't where I wanted to be. Listen, can we not talk about the past, I'd rather make sure I have everything I need to make sure your wedding is perfect." I smiled politely hoping it would shut her up. She nodded and smiled back. "Of course, sorry I do tend to go on and on." You're telling me! We walked around the venue more whilst going over further details before our meeting finished and I packed my things up to head to my session with Dr. Harping. I hadn't told my sister about Kirsty yet, I knew she'd be all over her with a ton of questions. Santana's not one to believe in coincidences; she would grill Kirsty till she figured out why she had chosen me out of all people to plan her wedding. Something about this didn't seem right and to be honest, it scared me. I reached just in time for my session, walking past the reception desk to be met by Tasha's scummy face. "Hey, Dr. Harping is waiting for you in his room." I smiled and walked past not saying a word. I had more important things on my mind than to think about Tasha's whore-ish self.

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