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"Yes yes yes yes yes! I love them!" Natasha's face beamed with excitement and I couldn't help but chuckle. I was glad she took to the flowers I had picked out for her. Focusing on her wedding was keeping me distracted and I was thankful for it.

"I'm glad you do. Have you decided on what cake you'd like?" I questioned whilst noting down further details.

"Mm yep, plain old vanilla but with chocolate buttercream. Five tiers please - maybe even six, the more cake the better!" I nodded and noted it all down. "I don't mean to pry Melissa, but are you single?" I looked up from my notepad slightly startled by her question.

"Um no, I'm in a relationship." If you can call it that.

"Ah bummer. I was going to set you up with a friend." She laughed lightly and I joined her.

"Unfortunately I am off the market. Thank you though." What is it with people trying to set me up?!

"Are you looking to marry?" She pressed on further and I rolled my eyes inward.

"One day yes; we have a long way to go till then."

"Well when you do, I expect an invite." She winked playfully and I laughed.
It was later on in the evening and I had decided to go to the gym for a quick workout. It had been ages since I had done any form of exercise and boy did I need it. After spending an hour and a half at the gym, I was beat to say the least. My hunger was on another level and I couldn't wait to get home and grab something to eat.
"Melissa!" I jumped startled by the booming voice behind me. Turning my head I saw Kevin run towards me and I clutched tightly at my car keys.

"Are you following me?!" Was all I could manage to say. How did he know where I was? Surely he was stalking me, first the club now the gym carpark!

"Uh, well.. I just want to talk." He admitted with a shrug. I traced my eyes over his attire and noticed his tatted clothes.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I questioned more concerned with why he looked like a drugged up unkept human.

"I'm just going through some things. Please can we talk?" He pleaded and I turned to unlock my car hoping he'd back up and away from my life.

"There's nothing we need to talk about. Just leave me alone! Stop stalking me, it's creepy." Getting into my car and shutting the door, I watched him as he stood there leaning against my window.

"Please." He pleaded once more with an uncanny look in his eye.

"Leave me alone Kevin!"

"I JUST WANT TO TALK. OPEN THE DOOR!" As if in an instant his mood changed and I locked the door in one swift move, scared of what he could do. My heart began to thump in my chest as I started the car hoping to get away before he did something stupid.
"MELISSA!" A punch landed on my side mirror and the glass shattered from the force, making me scream and accelerate off and away from him into the main road.
"What the hell happened to you?!" Santana called from behind as I shut the door behind myself, locking it in the process. My heart was still racing from my encounter with Kevin and to say I was scared was an understatement. I could see his psychotic side coming back and it made me feel uneasy.
"I need Dominic!" I spoke frantically as I rummaged through my bag for my phone.

"Melissa?" My head snapped up to the soothing familiar voice and I ran over to him as my eyes began to water. I hadn't even noticed him stood by the couch. What's happened?" Frost peeled my body from his, examining my face that was now covered in both sweat and tears.

"Is it that bitch Zoe?" Now it was Santana's turn to ask the questions. I looked up at her confused as to what Zoe had to do with anything, before remembering our encounter the other day at the florists.

"I told her to stay away from you. Did she approach you again?" Frost questioned and I felt his body tense with anger. Shaking my head frantically no, I finally managed to speak again.

"It's Kevin."


"Babe where have you been?"

Stopping in my tracks, I looked over to the right at my wife. Why did I even marry her? She's not the one I love - Melissa is. I thought having her plan our wedding would make us reconnect, but things hadn't gone to plan as I intended. Now I was stuck married to someone I had no feelings for as I watched the love of my life be with someone else. One thing is for sure, I needed to change things up - I needed to make Melissa mine again, and fast!

"Just out at the gym." I answered finally and she looked at me in disbelief.

"You left your gym bag at home, don't lie to me."

"I can go wherever the hell I want. Worry about your damn self!" I spat back hoping she'd drop it all together.

"You went to see her again didn't you?! God, I can't believe you're still obsessed with the bitch!" My jaw clenched at her words and I grabbed a fist full of her top in my hands, pulling her closer. Her eyes widened at the contact and I could see the fear written on her face.

"Don't you ever call her that again! Or I will kill you! Understood?" She nodded scared and I let go of her before heading upstairs into my office. Grabbing the box from underneath my desk, I opened it and saw the gun I had purchased weeks ago. At first I intended to get rid of her boyfriend but now I may have to use it on my nagging jealous wife. I wasn't sure what my first move would be, but I did know that if I couldn't have Melissa then no one could, and I was going to make sure of that.


I watched as Melissa slept soundly against my chest. She had managed to keep me calm after she told both Santana and I about seeing Kevin earlier. I wanted to find the bastard and kill him but Melissa convinced me to stay and not do anything too drastic, for now. I hated seeing her like this; the last thing I wanted was to have her crying in my arms because of some asshole! I thought that coming over to tell her that I had gotten rid of Zoe for the time being would have us back on track, but it seems as though it's one drama after the other interfering with our happiness. I felt her stir in my arms and I glanced down at her.

"Your heart is racing." She spoke softly, placing her palm on my chest.

"Did it wake you up?" She nodded and looked up at me.

"Don't think about it for tonight, please." I sighed and agreed knowing she was talking about her psycho ex. "Let's take our minds off of things." Placing a kiss onto my lips, I felt my heart warm and I relaxed almost instantly.

"Are you sure?" My brow rose, hinting to her my uncertainty. We hadn't gotten physical since our trip away, and what with us returning to Zoe at my doorstep and now the drama with Kevin, we hadn't exactly had the chance.

"I want to." Was all she managed to say before getting up and stripping down till she was fully naked. I watched in awe at the sight before me. My God she was beautiful - and all mine.

"Your sister will hear us." I stated as she strode over to me.

"I don't care, let me." Her hands trailed against my jeans where my member was growing by the second. Tugging at the zipper and pulling my boxers down slightly, I watched as she freed my member before placing it into her mouth and down the back of her throat.

Right so the next few chapters are going to get interesting. Also, this book will be ending soon :( It's gone on for years now and it's run its course. I will be focusing on my Titillated series and maybe my other book Candy once Dr. Frost is completed. So familiarise yourselves with them & be ready ^_^

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