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"He said what?!" My sister questioned me in shock as I sipped my cocktail. She cleared her throat before putting her palm out. "Hold up, your therapist wants to f*ck you?!" I shrugged before answering. "He said, and in his own words 'I'd f*ck you for giving me such attitude'. What an egotistical a*shole!" "Sh*t thats hot!" I shot her a deadly look and she raised one shoulder giving me a 'what?' look. "What did you say after he threatened to dust off your kitty?" Rolling my eyes at her I gulped down the last of my drink. "First of all, my kitty isn't dusty and second of all, nothing. I said nothing to him" looking back at it now I should have said something. Like, 'I wouldn't f*ck you even if you were the last man on earth' "Hunny you haven't had a man in you in years, you've definitely built up some dust there! You know what you need to do right?" Here she comes with her bright ideas. I rolled my eyes and waited for her to continue. "You need to drop him as your therapist so you two can get it on" She clicked her fingers and started grinding against her chair. "You're sick. That's not happening!" The thought of having a new therapist was good but, that would just give Dr. Frost an opportunity to perv. "You're boring" She sulked. "Can we just get back to this blind date, who is he, what does he do? He's not too old is he?" She poured herself another glass before answering. "Hunny if I told you who he was then it wouldn't be a blind date would it? Now, come on lets go pick out something for you to wear. If you wont let your therapist do you, we can only hope this guy will" B*tch.


"Enough about me, what do you do?" I was sat opposite my blind date. So far so good. Tall, dark brown hair, nice smile and has his own business. Someone normal that my sister knows, finally. " Well, I work for a wedding planning company" My life wasn't as exciting as his. I've never traveled the world and met top celebrities but ,I was happy. "Interesting. So what do you like to do in your spare time?" My eyes drifted from him to a figure walking through the restaurant doors. You've got to be kidding me! Dr. F*cking Frost. "Melissa?" I snapped back to my date and smiled. "Sorry, what did you say?" He gave me a pearly white smile and repeated his question. "Oh just relaxing, being with friends and my sister" he nodded taking in my life and I noticed a tall model-like woman enter the restaurant before approaching Frost. Something in me twitched frustrating me. "Sorry, I need the ladies room" I stood and my date smiled nodding. I grabbed my clutch and headed for the toilets. Out of all the restaurants in London he had to be here?! I looked into the mirror and applied a coat of lipstick before heading back out. "It's rude to stare you know" Frost. "Do you like to wait outside the females toilets or something?" Creep. "I was waiting for you." My stomach twitched. "What do you want?" I asked rudely. "Normal people approach others and say hello, not stare from a distance whilst on a date" he smirked and I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't staring, and what makes you think I'm on a date?" Crossing my arms defensively, I watched as he placed his hands in his suit trousers. "Did you call Tasha and book your next session?" What has that got to do with anything? "I don't want another session. Not with you anyway." He smiled then turned towards the doors. "See you on Thursday" With that he walked off leaving me confused, agitated and flushed. Why does he always walk away during a conversation? A*shole.


"How was your date?" She clapped with excitement as we sat on the sofa watching tv. Me and my sister lived together in a basic apartment, nothing fancy but we made it work. "He was nice. Where did you find someone so normal, you usually have heaps of weird male friends" she pushed my arm as we laughed. "I know a lot of normal people thank you, did you set up another date?" I nodded and she clapped. "But.. You'll never guess who was there at the restaurant?" Her eyebrows caved in as she watched me confused "Who?" "Dr. Frost" I sighed with annoyance and she gasped. "What happened?" "Nothing. He was waiting for me outside the female toilets and the most he had to say for himself was 'see you Thursday'" "Thursday?" I nodded. "Our sessions are usually on Thursdays, but I'm not sure I want to see him this week, I need a break from his ego" "Melissa, we both know you haven't moved on from what happened in the past, you need to continue these therapy sessions whether its with him or not" I listened as my sister gave me a lecture on my wellbeing. She only wanted the best for me. "Suck it up and go in for your session." She was right, but I am definitely going to look into changing therapists.


"Dr. Frost will now see you" Tasha smiled at me and I thanked her before walking towards his translucent glass doors. Here goes. "Good afternoon" He spoke with a low tone before pointing to the chair opposite his. For some reason my defences were let down and I felt at ease. "Before we start, can we discuss something?" I asked and he nodded. "Go on." I sighed before proceeding. "Last week in the lift.. What was all that about?" He paused before tracing his thumb across his lip. "Melissa, if these four walls were not here right now I'd answer your question" I rolled my eyes. "It's always these four bloody walls isn't it?" He smiled and I admired his teeth. "How was your blind date?" He moved on and I chose not to ask about the lift again. After all, we're still in these four walls. "It was good, nice guy. We're seeing each other again soon." He nodded and I noticed him tense slightly. Could it be, have I made Dr. Frost jealous? I smiled at my thoughts. "Something amusing?" He questioned. "You." A*shole. "Glad to see I amuse you." "How was your date might I ask?" I remembered the model-like female he was with. "These sessions are not for me, don't waste the time that you're paying for." Wow, something's bitten his a*s.

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