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"Did you call in and book an appointment with Dr. Harping yet?" Melissa made a face and rolled her eyes at me in response. I had been nagging her to book another appointment for days now. With all that was going on with my situation with Zoe and her ex, I didn't want her to neglect her sessions now of all times.

"I will I will. Pass me the ketchup please." I slid the bottle over the counter to her before taking out my phone and dialling the office.

"Yes its Frost. Can I book a session with Dr. Harping on behalf of a client, Melissa Craw."

"Dominic!" Melissa mumbled through her mouthful.

"Thank you that's perfect." I finished the call and walked over to Melissa who was now giving me a death stare.

"I could have booked it myself you know!" I chuckled at her annoyance.

"I know baby, but I know you're purposely putting it off. He's free tomorrow afternoon for you." Before she could speak, the doorbell rang distracting us both from the topic. Heading over to the door, I opened it to find my brother stood next to my mother.

"Sweetheart!" My mother pulled me into a tight hug as I gave my brother a look of 'what are you doing here' He shrugged and I pulled away from my mothers embrace.

"This is a surprise." I admitted.

"I haven't seen you since your brothers wedding, I've missed you! Come on let me in let me in." She pushed passed me not waiting for a response.

"You could have given me a heads up Jack!" I mumbled to my brother and he shrugged yet again. My mother was a very headstrong persuasive woman. Whatever she wanted she got; but I wasn't sure I was ready to let her meet Melissa as yet - especially with the stress of Zoe and the baby, which by the way I hadn't even informed her of.  I shut the door behind us and headed into the living room where my mum had found Melissa.

"Mum this is Melissa, my girlfriend." I introduced and she raised her brow at me. Melissa stood there not know what to say and I gave her a light shrug.

"You never told me you had a girlfriend! Why would you keep that from me, she's beautiful. Come on darling give me a hug." Before Melissa could respond, she too was pulled into a tight hug.

"Nice to meet you Mrs Frost." Melissa greeted once the hug was over.

"Oh just call me Rachel. Sit sit, fill me in on everything. How did you both meet? What do you do? How long have you been dating?" My mother beamed with excitement and I rolled my eyes. Melissa chuckled and sat down filling my mother in on our relationship.

"I'll go and get us all something to drink. Jack, come with me." We headed off into the kitchen leaving them to talk.


"So are you in love with my son?" Frost's mother questioned out of the blue.

"Mum!" Frost called out as he handed us all a drink.

"What? I want to know." She shrugged and turned to me waiting for an answer.

"Yes, yes I do love your son despite what we're going through." I answered truthfully and caught Frost's eye. His shoulders relaxed as I gave him a reassuring smile.

"What you're going through?" Rachel glared at us and I looked at her confused.

"With Zoe.. and the baby?" I asked more than stated.

"Baby?! What baby?!" She directed the question over at Frost who was now staring at us with an uneasy look.

"You're kidding me. You haven't even told your mother?!" I was shocked more than anything. She could potentially be a grandmother and he was keeping it all away from her.

"I haven't had the chance." He answered casually. I felt my heart race from anger.

"You could have called!" Rachel scolded and I agreed with her mentally.

"She's probably not even mine mum. I'm waiting to do the DNA test when she's born."

"When did this happen? Did you know about this?" She now directed her question over to Jack who was sat there quietly watching it all unfold.

"It was not my place to say anything." He shrugged and I stood.

"I should leave you all to it." I didn't want to stay for this, I'd been through it all already.

"Melissa." Frost pleaded with his eyes like a sad puppy.

"What have you been putting her through Dominic?! How can you get yourself in such a situation?!" His mother spoke and I knew she was angry at him.

"We can talk about this later mum. Melissa, please stay." Frost pleaded once again as he got up and moved over to me. Having made my mind up, I walked around the couch whilst grabbing my bag and coat.

"You need to speak to your mother. I'll see you tomorrow after my session." I reassured him and he let out a sigh in defeat.

"I'll call you tonight." He spoke sternly and I nodded before giving him a quick kiss on the lips. Saying goodbye to his brother and mother, I headed out and drove over to the gym to release some steam. I was annoyed that he hadn't told his mother, but I knew she'd give him the telling to that he deserved so I decided not to ponder on the matter further.

It was now late afternoon the next day and I was on my way to my session with Dr. Harping. I was exhausted despite having spent half of the day in bed catching up on some sleep. Frost had kept me on the phone till late last night as he filled me in on how things went with his mother. By the sound of things, she was still wreathing from the news but could you blame her?
A car beeped at me from behind snapping me out of my thoughts and onto the green traffic lights ahead. It was pouring down with rain and I was definitely in no mood for a counselling session. The car behind beeped again as I caught a glimpse in the side mirror.
"Crap crap crap." Pulling up to the nearest side I stopped my car and rolled down my windows. How could I not have realised the police were right on my tail. Were my senses that off that I didn't even notice the sirens?!

"Did you not see me back there?" The officer asked as he approached my car. My jaw dropped as I realised who it was.


"Melissa?" Well this was awkward. I remember him telling me he was a police officer but who would have thought he'd be the one stopping me.

"Yeah hi um" I giggled trying not to show that I'm a hot mess.

"It's been months! You doing good?" He questioned and I nodded with a smile. I was surprised he cared considering the last time we spoke, I had gone over to his place to apologise for Frosts rude encounter with him and he basically told me to leave.

"I'm well, how have you been?" I asked hoping he would let me go, I was running late for my session already.

"Can't complain. You need to get your side mirror fixed." He pointed towards the smashed glass that Kevin had done the other night. "I know a guy that can sort it for you if you'd like."

"Really? Thank you that would be great!" I chimed glad that he was willing to help.

"I'll be in contact, same number right?" I nodded and we said our goodbyes before I drove off.

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