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'Dr. Morgan, specialist in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Psychoanalytic Therapy. PhD in Psychotherapy' Hmm not bad. "What you doing sis?" I looked up from my laptop to see my sister walking over to me. "Tasha emailed me a profile of other therapists, this one looks good." I turned the laptop to show her and she raised a brow at me. "You really want to get rid of Frost? This dude looks old enough to be a granddad, Frost seems hot!" She sat down opposite me on the glass dining table. "It's not about looks. I need someone qualified to help me" "Isn't that what Frost does? He's been your therapist for a few months now, there's no point in changing and having to adjust to another therapist." Hmm she had a point. I didn't like the idea of opening up all over again to someone else. I was used to Frost, despite his ego, he was a good therapist. "I don't know. I'll see" I shrugged logging out of my email and shutting the laptop. "Ready for your second date?" She winked at me and I rolled my eyes. "I canceled it" I stood walking into the kitchen to get something to eat. "What?! Melissa!" Here we go. "Look, I'm just not ready" "You said you had a nice time with him, whats brought all this on now?" She crossed her arms leaning against the door. "I just cant. I need more time." She sighed and put her hands up. "Up to you. I can't force you to move on. I know what happened to you-" "Just stop there. Lets not get into it" I sighed as I rummaged through the cupboards for food, trying to get away from this topic. "I'm sorry, just promise me you'll at least try. Don't let the past control your future okay?" I nodded and she hugged me in comfort.


Right, carrots check. I crossed it off my shopping list and continued on down the vegetable isle. The house had no food whatsoever so I decided to go shopping before it got late. "Healthy option" I looked to my right and saw Frost eyeing my shopping. "What the hell, are you stalking me or something?!" Creep. "Melissa. Not everything is about you. I'm here to shop. It's just a mere coincidence we bumped into each other" I rolled my eyes and grabbed some potatoes before putting them in my trolly. "Coincidence my a*s. You seem to turn up everywhere I am." I moved along the isle and he done the same. "Coincidence." He shrugged as I took note of his attire. He was dressed in dark jeans and a basic shirt, a different laid back look in comparison to his usual crisp suit & tie ensemble. "Well I'd prefer to shop alone thanks." He raised his brows as if offended. "As you wish" With that he turned and walked off in the opposite direction.


"Did you get Tasha's email containing the profiles?" I nodded as I made myself comfortable on the couch. "Well.. Which one have you decided to go with?" I smiled at him and he watched me eager for my response. "I'm not telling you. It's my choice" he shrugged and grabbed a pen before sitting down. "Indeed it is. Now, where did we leave off last session?" He looked through some notes and I uncrossed my legs slowly. I was wearing a knee length pencil skirt which rose slightly when seated. "I went on my second date" I lied. "Oh?" He looked up from his notes completely missing my attempt to tease him with my legs. "How did it go?" I slouched back slightly and tapped my heels against the floor, yet his eyes didn't move from mine. "It was good, he cooked me dinner at his home. Dessert and everything" I smiled innocently and saw his jaw clench slightly. There we go, get angry Frost. "I'm impressed, you seem to be moving on quicker. Any plans for a third date?" I shrugged and crossed my legs. "We haven't planned it yet. Maybe dinner at mine next time." He nodded and took more notes.


"The guy is impossible. He didn't even flinch" I took a sip of my wine whilst my sister rolled her eyes at me. "Why were you teasing him again..?" I bit my lip searching for an answer. "I just wanted to get under his skin." "Melissa you're playing a dangerous game here, clearly he knows how to play and he wont lose" My brows rose. "Hey, he started all of this. He's just soo.. Urgh!" My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text.

- Melissa.

"What is it?" My sister asked watching my facial expression. "Someone just texted me" I clicked the reply button and began typing.

-I'm sorry, who is this?

"Who?" I ignored my sister and saw a reply.

-Dr. Frost

I rolled my eyes and showed my sister. "See! He wont lose!" I rolled my eyes once again before ignoring the text and putting my phone in my pocket. "Right, I'm going to bed. I have work tomorrow morning" I got up heading to my room. "Mhmm, text lover boy back while you're at it" I headed to bed and in no time I was fast asleep.


"See you later" I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. Early mornings were not my thing. "Melissa" I jumped dropping my phone in the process. "What are you doing here you creep?!" I picked up my phone watching him standing there calm and collected. "You didn't respond to my text." "So?! I went to bed. Not everything is about you Frost." I said bitterly using his own words against him. "What do you want anyway? I'm off to work"

"Let me give you a lift" I gave him a bad look and he stepped closer to me. "Get in the car Melissa" I gulped and started walking away from him. "Melissa!" His tone was low and serious. "Fine!" I spat and walked over to his car getting in at the back. He got in and sat at the front. "Sit here" He pointed to the front seat and I rolled me eyes before crawling over to the seat. "We're going for a drive first" I looked over at him with a crazy look. "I'll be late" I complained and he ignored me as he started driving. He drove in silence for a few minutes before parking in a parking lot. "I don't have time for your games. Tell me what you want then take me to work." I crossed my arms feeling flushed. "Do you know what I do to women that lie to me?" I avoided his eyes and shrugged. "Stop acting like a school girl and converse with me like an adult" I felt him grab my thigh and I froze. "What are you doing?" I looked over to see him watching me with lust. "You lied to me at our session. You didn't have a second date" I gulped. "I don't know what you're talking about" His grip got firmer on my thigh and I mentally thanked myself for wearing trousers. "Melissa" I looked at him and he licked his lips. Urgh hot. "Let me touch you." "What?!" "Let. Me. Touch. You." His breath tickled my face with each word and I found myself nodding slowly..

"Melissa get up!" I snapped out of my dream as I opened my eyes slowly. "Ummhhff" I groaned in frustration. "Didn't you set an alarm? You're going to be late for work. Honestly, a grown a*s woman like you still can't get up on your own."

Ha! Okay I was going to make this chapter longer but changed my mind in the end. Next chapter will be out soon though :)

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