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"Hey I'm Jenny" I smiled at the brunette stood in front of me. "Melissa" we shook hands before sitting down. "I heard you're a top wedding planner for this company.." I giggled bashfully before responding. "I wouldn't say top, I'm just good at my job" She nodded and clapped. "Right, I have a huge huge huge idea for the reception" Grabbing my note pad I started writing down her ideas. "What's your colour theme?" She paused for a moment "Hmm well.. I'm stuck between a pastel pink or a pastel purple" I nodded and took note. "Well we can go through the list of things you want and the rest can follow." She clapped in excitement "Slight problem though.." I looked up from my note pad. Why do brides-to-be always drop a bombshell on me?! "The wedding..it's in a months time" I glared at her in shock. With the list of things she wants, I don't think the timescale is reasonable. "Sorry, I know it seems too soon but you're brilliant at this, I'm sure you can do it!" She smiled putting her thumbs up at me. I swear I could kick her right now.


"Someone's here to see you" My sister smirked at me as I got through the doors. "Were you waiting for me to come home or something?" She winked and tapped my bum. "Hurry hurry. He's in the living room." He? I walked down the hallway and entered the room to find Frost sitting on the couch. He looked so out of place in the warm homely room with his sharp suit. "What are you doing here?" I asked more confused than anything. "You didn't respond to my text last night" I rolled my eyes before placing my bag on the couch. "Maybe I didn't want to talk to you? How did you get my number anyway?" He smiled and traced his thumb along his lip. Urgh why does he always do that?! "How was work?" I crossed my arms and stood there not wanting to sit near him. "Is there a particular reason as to why you're here? I know you didn't come all this way just to ask about my day." He stood up and walked over to me. "Correct. I'm having to cancel our sessions for the next few weeks" Something within me felt sad but I made sure my face didn't show it. "That's what I was trying to contact you about last night" I nodded uncrossing my arms. "Why couldn't you just tell Tasha to send me an email?" "I like to do things myself. I told Tasha to book you in with another therapist for next week" My brows rose. "I'd like to pick the therapist myself thanks" he smiled before stepping slightly closer to me. "No need. Its all booked. By the way, I am aware that you will not be replacing me. I'd prefer if we cut out any lies." My face flushed red as I realised I was caught out. "I'll be in touch if anything changes." I nodded and stepped back slightly. "Nice home" He smiled and walked past me heading towards the door. I exhaled trying to compose myself.

"He is hot!" My sister popped up out of nowhere. I reached into my bag and grabbed my phone searching through the contacts till I got to Tasha's number. "Hello, Tasha..yeah its Melissa hi..Urm Dr. Frost just informed me that he booked me in with a different therapist for next week..yeah..yeah...uhuhh..well scratch that, I'll email you the therapist I actually want...I know don't worry, I told Frost I'll be making a slight change..yeah..uhuhh..alright I'll email it now..okay..bye thanks!" I hung up the phone smiling to myself. "Tut tut tut." I rolled my eyes at my sister before grabbing the laptop and emailing Tasha. If Frost thinks he can be making decisions for me then he's got another thing coming!


"This is perfect!" Jenny squealed as I showed her around one of the reception venues I had found. In my opinion it was the best one on my list and due to the timescale I knew it had to be the firs venue to show her. By the looks of it she loved it. "Will it be available for the day of the wedding though?" She bit her lip with worry and I nodded. "Yes, everything will be perfect don't stress about it." She smiled and hugged me catching me off guard. "This is why you're the best wedding planner! Lets not waste time looking at other venues, this is the one!" Thank goodness for that. After looking at the venue once more we headed back to the office to discuss other things. "Right, you told me that you had around 200 guests coming...?" She pushed her hair back behind her ears. "Okay don't kill me, but I done a recount and there's actually 324 people coming." Don't kick her Melissa, just don't kick her. I forced a smile before writing the numbers down. "Thats fine, the venue is big enough, just need to add a few more tables." She clapped in excitement and pulled out her phone that was currently ringing in her bag.


I had just got home and poured a glass of wine when I got a phone call..

"Hey it's Zach" Crap.

"Hello how are you?"

"I'm alright, I haven't heard from you in a while. How have you been keeping?" I part of me felt bad for blowing off our second date. Yes, this was the guy my sister had set me up on a blind date with. "Oh I've just been really busy with work. I have a big wedding I'm planning."

"Oh that sounds fun" He chuckled and I smiled. He was a nice guy. "Is there any chance you can fit me into your schedule say.. For another date?" I bit my lip deep in thought before it hit me. "Actually..yes. Well I won't be free up until this wedding is over but, the bride has given me an invitation to attend and I can bring a plus one..if you'd like to come?" Jenny invited me as a thank you for planning her wedding in such a short notice, with payment on top of course. "Yes, that sounds good. When is the wedding?" I picked up my diary and skimmed through some pages. "25th next month." "Great, I'll make a note of it" At least I have someone to go with now.


"Come in Miss Craw" I smiled at Dr. Harping my temporary therapist, before closing the door behind me and finding a seat. The room was completely different to Frost's. For instance, Dr. Harping had an autumn toned theme to his room. Everything and anything was either brown, orange, red or green. On the other hand, Frost was simple, sharp and basic with just black and white; similar to his personality of course! "Dr. Frost has given me a profile of you" Oh? I watched as he put his glasses before opening a file. "Just something for me to read up on before our session, saves you from explaining things to me." Hm Frost actually considered the fact that I wouldn't be too comfortable in opening up all over again, maybe he did have a soft side. I nodded and our session began.

Just a side note, I changed her career from working within marketing to a wedding planner. I have plans for this story bare with me ;) I'm trying to post a chapter every week, so-far so good lol. Comment & Vote next one up next week!

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