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I laid there across my bed staring at the ceiling with a blank face. I was in 'one of those' moods, in a funk. My past just kept replaying and replaying in my mind. I was doing so well. I was finally getting over it, or so I thought. I got up heading out of my room to get a warm drink. "Mel." I turned to find my sister standing in the hallway with a worried look on her face. "Do you need me, to talk or anything?" I shook my head no and walked into the bathroom. She knew I was in my 'funk.' I hated letting her see me like this.


"Where is she?" I heard a familiar voice outside of my door. "Melissa open up this door!" I sighed and dragged myself out of bed before opening my bedroom door. "Hi mum" She crossed her arms and walked in with my sister following behind her. "I had to" my sister whispered to me. "You've got to stop this!" My mother scolded whilst opening my curtains and opening up a window. "Have you called your therapist?" I shook my head and she tutted before making my bed. "I told her to." My sister chimed in with a lie and I gave her a deadly look. "Right, Santana, give the therapist a call and I'll go buy a thing or two and come cook for you both. I've seen the pizza boxes in the bin." She raised her brow and I rolled my eyes. My mum was a vegan so everything had to be healthy. Me and my sister decided to stay as meat lovers, who could blame us? "Honestly mum you shouldn't have come all the way down here. I'm fine." She waved her hands at me in dismissal, this woman is impossible! "Go run a bath and get in. By the time you're done I'll be back, you can help me cook." She smiled and I sighed in defeat. They both left my room and I tied my hair up before heading to the bathroom to run a bath. I soaked in it for a while before heading back to my room to get dressed. I could hear music and laughter coming from the kitchen, always a fun time when mum was around(!)

"Hey" I jumped in shock before turning on my heels. "What the hell?!" My grip on my towel got tighter as I watched him step into my room closing the door. "Your sister called me over." I rolled my eyes. I thought he was away somewhere. "Ever heard of knocking Frost?!" He smiled. "The door was open. Your mother sent me to get you." I sighed and searched for some clothes to wear. "Why cant everyone just leave me alone. I dont need this!" I spoke more to myself than to him. "Don't need what exactly?" I felt him behind me. "This. You. Them, everyone. I just want to be alone why cant anyone understand that?!" I sighed moving away from him. "You have to stop running from it. Face it Melissa." I rolled my eyes. "I don't need a therapy session right now, I'm not paying you for being here." I was starting to get cold just standing in my towel. "Can you stop fighting everything and everyone for once?!" He stepped closer to me and my fingers turned white from gripping my towel even tighter. "You look mesmerising." His tone was low, sending a chill down my body. I felt him touch my shoulder with his fingers, tracing them up and down my arms. "Frost-" He cut me off with a trace of his thumb on my lips, God I wanted him to kiss me. I felt him cup my face in his hands and I let my towel drop. "Melissa!" He turned away quickly as I stood there butt naked. "I want you to look." I said in almost a whisper. He slowly turned his body to face mine. He took a step back and rubbed his neck with one hand as the other sat comfortably in his pocket. "Wow." I heard him groan as I walked towards him. "Touch me Frost. Anywhere you'd like." I licked my lips seductively as he continued to stare at my body. I didn't care about anything at this moment, all I wanted was for him to touch me. "I can't." He looked away. "Get dressed. Your mum and sister will be wondering what we're doing." With that he walked out of my room closing the door, and just like that, I broke down.


"How was your bath?" My mum smiled at me from across the table. "Relaxing" I replied whilst forcing a smile. "Right, I've made a lot of food so tuck in everyone." I glanced at Frost who was sat beside me, his choice. "This looks wonderful." He complimented and I rolled my eyes. Why is he still here?! "How is work going?" Mum directed the question at me as we all started eating. "It's going good. One of my clients are getting married in three weeks and only came to me last week." I took a bite of my mums chicken and felt my body relax. This was so damn good. "Did you speak to her about letting me come?" Santana asked. "Yeah, she said she can't sorry, and I've already got a plus one." Frost coughed and we all turned to him. "Sorry, forgot to warn you, I put some spices in. Sip some water." My mum smiled apologetically at him and he smiled. "It's fine, just went down the wrong tube." He sipped some water and the conversation continued. "What are you wearing? You need to look good for Zach." Santana beamed and I rolled my eyes. "Who is Zach?" I glanced at my mum and swallowed my mouthful. "Just some guy Santana set me up on a blind date with not long ago." She nodded and I felt a hand on my leg. "Is it serious?" She questioned and I felt Frost's hand move higher. "N-no. Just friends." "For now." Santana interrupted with a wink and I felt Frost's fingers brush against my area. "I need more water" I stood up in a hurry and grabbed my glass. "I'll help you." I felt him get up and walk behind me. "What are you doing?!" I whispered in anger as we entered the kitchen. "When were you going to tell me about your date?" He questioned leaning against the counter. "One, its not a date. I'm just bringing a friend as a plus one and two, I don't have to tell you anything!" As*hole! "I'm sure Zach doesn't see you as 'just' a friend." He moved closer to me and I felt my cheeks heat up. "What's it to you?" He grinned and grabbed my waist before sliding his hands to my a*s. I took a chance and grabbed his face with my hands before kissing him. God it was good. His lips played with mine as he continued to hold me. "Melissa you do things to me." He held me tighter and I felt his thickness on my thigh. "I want you. Please." I begged against his lips with lust and he let go of me. "Frost!" He rubbed his face in frustration. "You shouldn't have kissed me." I watched him confused. "You didn't seem to have a problem when you were kissing me back. I don't get you. One minute you want me the next you're walking out." He stood there in silence. "Forget it." I grabbed my glass and proceeded to leave the kitchen. I was sick of this, and him. "Melissa please.." I ignored him and left heading back to the table.


It had been a week since I'd spoken to Frost. I was doing much better. The bachelorette party was at the end of the week and I was excited. "Hey Tasha." I smiled and she smiled back. "Frost is back." My face dropped and I sighed. "Your sessions with him continue today." I forced a smile before thanking her and walking towards his room. I was not ready to see him. Especially because we hadn't spoken since our last encounter. He's the most complicated man I had ever met. I knocked on his door and pulled myself together. Just one hour of this then I can go home. "Come in." Opening the door, I walked in and spotted him on the couch. "Melissa." He smiled and I sat on the couch opposite him. "Before we begin, can we talk?" He asked placing his pen down on the table that filled the distance between us. "I'd rather we don't." This wasn't the time, or place. "Look, I don't mean to confuse you. I'm attracted to you thats no lie. I just don't want to hurt you." I scoffed. "Hurt me?!" He raised a brow at me. "I'm a dangerous man Melissa." I gulped hearing his tone change to something more serious. "You're fragile, I don't want to hurt you." He admitted. "My past is my past. My last relationship wasn't the best as you know, nonetheless I don't care. This, whatever this is, me and you, has to stop. I'm over it. Lets not dwell on the matter." He nodded. "I agree. Shall we begin?" I nodded ignoring the sad feeling within me.

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