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"Can I come in?" I bit my lip anxiously as I stood at Zach's doorstep. He watched me unimpressed before standing back and letting me slip through between him and the door. My eyes gazed around his home before I spun on my heels facing him once more. "I like your house." I said trying to relieve the tension between us. "What do you want Melissa? Why are you here?" He questioned whilst walking past me over to the couch and sitting down. I walked over to the couch also but chose to stand. "I came to apologise, for the other day. It's not how it seems." He chuckled before grabbing the glass that was on the table and taking a swig of the drink. "So how does it seem exactly?" He questioned watching me intently. I gulped before diverting my eyes to his TV. "Zach, I've been meaning to call you. I've just been busy. Me and Frost..it's complicated." I sighed to myself not really knowing where I was going with this conversation. "Look, I get it you don't need to explain. Now if you don't mind, I have guests coming over." He spoke while standing and walking over to the door. "Zach please, I didn't mean to lead you on-" My guilt was really eating me up and I could tell he wasn't the slightest bit interested in hearing my apology. Can't say I blame him though. "Thank you for coming by." I sighed once more before walking out the door and hearing it shut behind me. This could have ended differently if Frost hadn't let his ego take over that night.


"Whats wrong?" Frost questioned as we spoke on the phone. I sighed and flicked my nails in thought. I felt bad for what I done to Zach, and I hated myself for it. "Just thinking." He fell silent for a moment before speaking. "Whats happened?" I rolled my eyes at nothing in particular before rolling over onto my back. "What is this Frost? What are we doing?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He questioned as I imagined him sitting at his desk with a complex expression on his face. "I want to know what this is. What is it exactly?" I pressed on trying to figure out if I was making sense. "Melissa." His tone was sharp causing the hairs on my arms to stand in attention. "It can be whatever you want it to be." I cooed to myself at his response before biting my lip. "You know you could have handled things differently the other day, when Zach came over." I scolded slightly before hearing him huff. "Is that what this is about?" He questioned and I looked around the room awkwardly. "I feel bad. He didn't deserve that." I was right and Frost knew it. "He is not my problem Melissa." I rolled my eyes and tutted. "When can I see you next?" I asked changing the subject. "I have some meetings this whole week, I'll see what I can do for next week." He answered coldly. "Oh. Okay sure." I wasn't sure on what to say after his cold reply. "I have to go. Talk later." Just like that, the line went dead. What an egotistical man, why am I so attracted to him?!

"Mel!" A knock came at my door. "Come in." I answered and my sister entered. "What did you do to Zach?" She crossed her arms with attitude. "What do you mean what did I do to Zach? It didn't work out." I rolled off my bed and started folding the laundry pile that was forming at the corner of my room. "Mel! He was such a nice guy. Now I'm getting a call from him letting me know that your new boyfriend was here telling him to back off?" I scoffed in laughter at the lies. "One- I don't have a boyfriend, he came at the wrong time Frost was here. Two - No one told him to back off." I shrugged not phased by Zach's lies. "He's my friend Mel, thats not fair on him. You could have let him down gently instead of having him find you and your therapist together." She scolded and I could tell she was disappointed. "I tried going over to his to apologise but he basically kicked me out, what more do you want me to do?" She rolled her eyes at me before walking towards my door. "Me and that Frost are going to have words when I see him next. That egotistical maniac!" She cursed before slamming my door shut behind her. Tell me something I don't know!


"Hello I'm Melissa." I smiled stretching my arm out for a polite handshake. The petite blonde smiled back at me before greeting my hand with hers. "Kirsty. I've heard so much about you and your work." I blushed grateful for her compliments. "Just doing my job. Now, what can I help you with?" She beamed as she informed me of her wedding that was in 10 months time. "Sorry, you look really familiar." She spoke watching me intensely. My head tilted as a quizzical look spread across my face. "Really? I asked not remembering who she is. "Yes. Did you intern at WFY some years ago?" I nodded slowly wondering how she would know. "I interned there too! Thats where I remember you from." She beamed and I laughed awkwardly still not remembering who she was. "Though I did look different back then. Glasses, dark hair and I kept myself to myself." She blabbed on as an uneasy feeling washed over me. Interning at Weddings For You was amazing at the start, until things changed three months in. I shuddered thinking of him - my past. "Oh. Um, not sure I remember. Sorry I have meetings packed up all day." I spoke rushing to get her to leave. "Sure, sorry I've gone off topic. I'll see you same time next week?" She asked with a smile. I nodded faking one back before seeing her out. My heart sunk down to my chest in worry. Was my past beginning to catch up to me?

Something short to keep you going, but I'm back (for good this time).

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