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::ready or not::

"i could be your kryptonite"
—bridgit mendler

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"Jake, I just don't see why it's such a big deal?" Althea groaned out as she followed the boy around in his garage

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"Jake, I just don't see why it's such a big deal?" Althea groaned out as she followed the boy around in his garage. "It was a nice gesture."

"Sam and his cult are not people you need to befriend. Let alone people to be alone with," Jacob told her.

"It was Emily, his fiancée who invited me. Not Sam. She's a nice person. I feel like you're blowing this out of proportion here," Althea tried to reason with him. He hasn't ever given them a chance and it was frustrating Althea that now he wanted to tell her she couldn't hang around them.

"I'm blowing it out of proportion? Thea, do you want to be mind controlled by him? I can't lose you like that. I already lost, Embry. I can't lose you. I don't want you around him or any of them," Jacob hissed out, throwing one of his tools down.

"Well, then it's a good thing you're not the boss of me," Althea crossed her arms over her chest. "I already told Emily I would go."

"Why can't you ever just listen? I'm looking out for you and I don't want you to get hurt. Why can't you see that I care about you, Thea?" Jacob said, grabbing her hands to look her in the eyes. They stood there for a moment, Althea with a stone cold look on her face. The boy went to cup her cheek and lean in but she was quick to dodge him.

"Jake. No."

"What happened between us? I thought there was something there? And now it's like you'd rather kiss a frog than kiss me," Jacob asked. Althea looked to the ground in shame. It wasn't that she didn't like when they kissed that one time. Once upon a time he was her whole world, but the feelings for him that she had for a long time just weren't necessarily there anymore. There was no spark. And she refused to lead him on like that. She couldn't pretend there was a spark there like her mother had done to her father.

"There was something there. But not anymore, Jake. I can't do that to you," She told him, regret in her eyes as he looked at her like he was in pain.

"You just can't do what? Reciprocate the feelings anymore?" He questioned, slightly irritated.

"At one point in time I would've been over the moon about you sharing the same feelings I had. I liked you Jacob. I really did. But I don't know where my feelings are. I'm always going to care for you, you're my best friend. And I can't lead you on if I don't know what my heart wants anymore," Althea responded.

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