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::devil i know::

"back in hell, at least i'm comfortable"
—suki waterhouse

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Bella had sweet-talked Althea into letting her drive her to school in the old truck that was gifted to her

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Bella had sweet-talked Althea into letting her drive her to school in the old truck that was gifted to her. The younger Swan was a bit hesitant, especially because she knew how rough the truck was to handle at times and because quite honestly, Bella's driving scared her. But Bella pleaded, wanting to not feel awkward when she got to the high school since she was starting as a new student. She voiced that she would feel better if her sister was by her side on her first day.

So there Althea was stepping out of Bella's truck once they had found an empty parking spot. Students were scattered all across the parking lot while they waited around for the first warning bell. Althea gave the door a strong push in order to close it. Which gained a bit of attention as it creaked slightly. Some girls snickered, taking in the beat up truck that was clearly very aged. That caused the younger Swan girl to roll her eyes while Bella seemed to not take notice. Walking around the front of the truck, the older sister was stopped by a boy named Tyler who was also a junior.

"Nice truck," He said with a mix of a tease and flirt.

"Thanks," Bella simply responded, joining her sister's side.

"Never in a million years, Crowley," Althea told him before pulling Bella along. Not sparing the boy a second look, she however already knew he wore a defeated expression on his face.

"So you clearly know who I should and shouldn't talk to," Bella commented.

"I'm not going to mother you, Bells. It's just that Tyler, along with other teenage boys here, think the slightest bit of kindness a girl shows them is an invite. And might I remind you, you are fresh blood. These sharks are just waiting to sink their teeth in for a quick bite before they go back to stalking their usual prey," Althea quickly explained.

"So, is Tyler a boy who has tried to go after you?" Bella questioned.

"We've known each other since kindergarten. But yeah, he tried to make a move freshman year. I was quick to shoot him down. He's not really my type," The younger girl shrugged.

"And what is your type?" Bella raised her eyebrow, slightly amused by her sister's words.

"I don't know. Not him," Althea took Bella's schedule to go over what classes she had.

"So are you dating someone?" Bella couldn't help but ask out of curiosity. Althea pursed her lips slightly, looking up from her sister's schedule. Quick to change the topic, she caught Bella looking at the school map upside down. Althea quickly flipped it over to the right side before pointing.

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