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::sparks fly::

"you're the kind of reckless that should sent me running"
—taylor swift

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 Althea was putting on her shoes at a slow pace

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Althea was putting on her shoes at a slow pace. Not looking forward to the shitshow that was going to occur when Bella tried to confront Jake. Bella was quick to piece her own theories together on why Jacob was acting the way that he was. While Althea had finally come to the conclusion. The group were shifters. The same bloodline as the ones from the legends. And Sam had to be their leader. Althea basically just needed an actual confirmation though she didn't want to poke the bear, or more-so the wolf, in order to get that simple nod of an answer. But Bella was insistent on going to Jacob's house.

So there Althea was trying her best to go as slow as possible in order to drag it on out. She was weighing the options just like she had done with the Cullen's. Did she truthfully want to know that she was right... again? What she didn't anticipate was to hear the front door slam and Bella peel out of the driveway the moment Althea made her way down the stairs. Cursing under her breath, Althea grabbed her own keys from the hook and ran out of the house. Bella was going to be the death of her. Quite literally.

The girl sped down the streets, trying her best to get to the Reservation fast. But her sister was hellbent on figuring it all out. Althea was too late by the time she got there. She watched as Bella storm out of the house and down to Sam and the rest of the boys who had come out from the tree line. Rushing out of her car, Althea ran towards the yard.

"Bella!" Althea yelled. All of their eyes turned towards Althea's figure getting closer. Paul's eyes softened once he saw the girl before Bella slapped him across the face. Althea let out a small gasp seeing her sister hit Paul. It made her chest tighten slightly. The boy began to shake in his spot while Sam tried to calm him down. The younger Swan went to pull the older one away but Bella yanked her arm back harshly causing Althea to stumble and fall to the ground.

"Too late now," Jared announced.

"Bella get back!" Sam yelled. "Paul, calm down now."

They all watched while the boy shook in anger. He was angry that the girl slapped him but he was more angry that she made Althea fall. Though the younger Swan knew she was fine, clearly the boy was too far gone in his anger. Althea watched in slight shock and amazement as the boy totally transformed into a large wolf. A dark silver wolf. The one from when Laurent tried to kill her and Bella. Althea was frozen on the ground, close by near the wolf who had his eyes glued onto Bella who decided to run away in fear.

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