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School meal club

strawberryprincess🍓: I'm never getting a girlfriend
dubu🍫: not with that attitude
chewy🦌: honestly you can get whoever you want
strawberryprincess🍓: but I only want Mina and how it's going, we are never going to happen
dubu🍫: aw, don't say that
strawberryprincess🍓: I just find it hard to see us together
dubu🍫: wait! you like mina
chewy🦌: yes she does
dubu🍫: how do you know
chewy🦌: I'm their #1 shipper, the captain of the ship if I do say so myself
dubu🍫: can't believe momo was right
dubu🍫: she told me she saw something more than friendship between chae and mina
chewy🦌: you see momo see something their too
dubu🍫: yeah, you never know she might like you back but she's too shy to say anything
strawberryprincess🍓: but I feel like I've been giving at lot of hints, enough for her to know that I am so in love with her
dubu🍫: maybe you are as oblivious as you think she is
strawberryprincess🍓: idk when I flirt she kinda flirts back but I can't tell if it's like in a friendly way
strawberryprincess🍓: she also always refers to me as her best friend
dubu🍫: honestly think you should just tell her straight up that you like her
strawberryprincess🍓: I would if I knew what she felt but I don't want to possibly ruin what we have now
dubu🍫: in my honest opinion, I doubt you'll ruin anything with her if she doesn't feel the same
strawberryprincess🍓: what if she like someone else
dubu🍫: she hasn't said she does
strawberryprincess🍓: but does she ever
dubu🍫: sometimes
dubu🍫: I mean has she shown interest in other people
strawberryprincess🍓: no, not really, even when guys flirt with her does she pay attention
dubu🍫: you see maybe she's just waited for you to make a move
strawberryprincess🍓: idk what if she's straight
dubu🍫: not with those wondering eyes she's not
strawberryprincess🍓: ig that's true
dubu🍫: trust me no one in twice is straight
dubu🍫: where's tzuyu, she was texting earlier
strawberryprincess🍓: 🤔
chewy🦌: sorry I was out with Sana, we went to buy snacks cuz she wants to watch a movie
strawberryprincess🍓: 👀
dubu🍫: 😏
chewy🦌: guys it's not like that, although I wish it was
dubu🍫: like I told chae, make a move, that how I got momo
dubu🍫: you'll never know if there is something there if you don't try
chewy🦌: I would if I had no doubt that she was single
strawberryprincess🍓: with that again
strawberryprincess🍓: if Sana was dating Jihyo, they would have told us
chewy🦌: but you heard what jihyo said, the person she was talking about was definitely Sana
strawberryprincess🍓: if that is true then that means Sana doesn't like Jihyo
dubu🍫: yeah you have a chance
chewy🦌: yeah but what if she does have feelings for her but she's too scared or is not ready to start a relationship
dubu🍫: it's a big if and I just think you should make a move
chewy🦌: I really don't know cuz I honestly think they are both in love with each other
chewy🦌: I see the way they see each other
chewy🦌: even if I had a chance, I couldn't do that to jihyo, just take away who she most loves in this world
chewy🦌: considering that they actually have a connection and I don't
chewy🦌: but anways the was she sees me if different
chewy🦌: she only sees me as her little sister
strawberryprincess🍓: that's how I feel with Mina
strawberryprincess🍓: I just don't see any way out of the sister zone
chewy🦌: sometimes I feel like she treats me like her baby
chewy🦌: always doing stuff for me and feeding me
dubu🍫: maybe that's her way of show her love
chewy🦌: yeah but what kind of love
chewy🦌: not the one I want
dubu🍫: but you honestly believe jihyo and Sana are dating
chewy🦌: yes, I mean not officially but the practical are without the official title of girlfriends
chewy🦌: just ask the rest what they think is going on between them
dubu🍫: honestly momo did ask me if I know what was going on between them
strawberryprincess🍓: so has Mina
chewy🦌: nayeon asked me too
chewy🦌: I almost cried right there and then
chewy🦌: she thought since Sana and I are close that maybe I knew something
chewy🦌: I just told her no and left to cry in my room
chewy🦌: and now nayeon knows I like Sana cuz she followed me to my room and asked why I'm crying and obviously I couldn't lie to her
strawberryprincess🍓: I feel you, I've had the same thing happen but it was a different situation
strawberryprincess🍓: a guy randomly came up to us at a coffee shop and started flirting with Mina, completely ignored my presence
strawberryprincess🍓: idk if Mina was trying to be nice or if she was flirting back but I felt so jealous it turned in sadness
strawberryprincess🍓: I just left without saying anything, idk if Mina even noticed I left cuz I didn't hear from her the rest of the day
strawberryprincess🍓: I just ran to my room and cried, good thing we had a free day the next day
dubu🍫: wow, you guys are so depressing
dubu🍫: you make me feel better about my life
dubu🍫: you gays should just man up and tell them your feelings
strawberryprincess🍓: it's not that easy
chewy🍫: yeah, it honestly feels like we have alot to loose if we do
strawberryprincess🍓: I just don't want to risk anything
dubu🍫: you guys are so dumb
dubu🍫: good thing I'm the only one of us to have a girl friend cuz you gays are too stupid to have one
chewy🦌: 😠
dubu🍫: I mean you don't magically get one without speaking up
chewy🦌: hate to bring this up chae but
strawberryprincess🍓: what just say it
chewy🦌: well you know how nayeon likes someone but she thinks they like someone else
strawberryprincess🍓: yeah
chewy🦌: well nayeon like jeongyeon
strawberryprincess🍓: yeah everyone knows that but jeongyeon
chewy🦌: well that's not the whole thing, nayeon thinks the person jeongyeon like is mina
strawberryprincess🍓: well I don't know what to say
dubu🍫: how do you know that
chewy🦌: well I'm practically nayeon's child
chewy🦌: and jeongyeon is my dad so I have to know what is going on with my parents
chewy🦌: plus nayeon tells me everything cuz I'm truly her baby
dubu🍫: I wouldn't want nayeon as a mother
chewy🦌: she's not as bad as you think, she's very caring
chewy🦌: anyways, chae just don't give up I don't see much going on between them
strawberryprincess🍓: hate to say it but if they both like each other then I think they should date, they would make a good couple
dubu🦌: yeah but you make a better couple with Mina, trust me
dubu🍫: just like nayeon and jeongyeon do
strawberryprincess🍓: that is true nayeon and jeongyeon are a great balance even though they act like they hate each other
chewy🦌: mostly jeongyeon cuz nayeon is a big simp for her
dubu🍫: are you still with Sana
chewy🦌: yes 😊
chewy🦌: she just asked me to cuddle and I have to leave, Sana is getting mad I'm not paying attention to the movie
chewy🦌: she said I should get of my phone since I talk to you guys all the time anyways
dubu🍫: whipped but okay bye
strawberryprincess🍓: bye
strawberryprincess🍓: have fun cuddling
dubu🍫: so what now
strawberryprincess🍓: I have to go to, Mina just came over 😍
dubu🍫: pls make a move
strawberryprincess🍓: no promises
strawberryprincess🍓: bye
dubu🍫: bye ig I'll just go bother momo

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