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Satang🐹: so, mina,how are things between you and chae

Sharon🐧: I don't even want to think about it 😭

Dancemachine🍑: damn it's that bad

Sharon🐧: well I won't say it bad but it definitely is not good

Satang🐹: honestly the tension between you guys is lowkey scaring our members

Dancemachine🍑: jihyo keeps asking us what's going on between you guys

Sharon🐧: I don't even know what is going on between us

Sharon🐧: chaeyoung doesn't talk to me that much anymore

Satang🐹: she doesn't even text or call

Sharon🐧: she texts me sometimes but never for long like before

Dancemachine🍑: didn't you girls text back and forth for like five hours once

Sharon🐧: that was the time I was in Japan and we hadn't seen each other

Satang🐹: for what, a day

Sharon🐧: no, it was three

Sharon🐧: it's weird not having chaeyoung at my place like everyday

Sharon🐧: I have to cook for myself now

Sharon🐧: and sometimes I cook too much cuz im used to having an extra person to cook for

Satang🐹: you girls were practically girlfriends already

Dancemachine🍑: do you think chae feels the same or is she just done with you

Sharon🐧: I don't want her to be sad but I also don't want her to move on from me, I very much am in love with her

Satang🐹: aww 🥰

Sharon🐧: some nights I can't even sleep because we used to video call each other until we fell asleep

Dancemachine🍑: how the fuck are you not girlfriends yet

Satang🐹: also how have you girls not have had sex yet, the sexual tension between you two is crazy and you literally sleep in the same bed even when there is another one there

Dancemachine🍑: and also knowing that mina sleeps with revealing pajamas

Sharon🐧: chae has always been so respectful that she won't jump straight to sex, even if I was trying to seduce her

Dancemachine🍑: maybe you should have, it worked for me

Sharon🐧: the girl is barely even talking to me and you want me to have sex with her

Dancemachine🍑: it would fix alot of things

Satang🐹: and it would make everyone less stressed

Sharon🐧: is it that obvious that we are not okay

Satang🐹: yup

Satang🐹: it's like we are walking on eggshells with you girls

Dancemachine🍑: we wanted to do something about it but jihyo said we should let you two fix it yourself

Satang🐹: lisa even suggested we lock you girls in a room over night and see what happens

Dancemachine🍑: dahyun wanted to slap you both and tell you to get your shit in order

Sharon🐧: I need to find a way to get her to talk to me again

Satang🐹: hurry up, or else you might just push her towards somi

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