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GodJihyo🌵: so... mina how did it go with chae
Sharon🐧: amazing, it was a perfect day
Sharon🐧: chae picked me up and took me to a very nice restaurant, we even sat at a private area with a great view
Ostrich💚: okay Chae, you know how to charm a girl
Sharon🐧: then she drove us to the beach and she brought dessert so we had a little picnic on the sand
Strawberryprincess🍓: we even watched the sunset
Sharon🐧: it was so beautiful, chae even cried
Satang🐹: aww chae
Sharon🐧: we even stayed at a very fancy hotel for the weekend
Chewy🦌: did you stay in the same room
Sharon🐧: yeah, it was a king sized bed
Sharon🐧: why you asking??
Chewy🦌: just curious
Rosie🌸: so chae did you 👀
Strawberryprincess🍓: no guys, don't be gross, we just slept
Rosie🌸: then why did you stay at the beach over night
Strawberryprincess🍓: well I wanted us to enjoy the beach more, we didn't get to swim that day
Sharon🐧: thank you chaeng, I had the best time ever, I'll never forget it
Strawberryprincess🍓: aw, I'll never forget it either, I love spending time with you
Strawberryprincess🍓: I think I just did it, I made a move and things are going well
Dubu🍫: I'm happy for you Chaeyoung, after many years things are finally happening between you two
Ostrich💚: finally what I taught you has come in handy
Strawberryprincess🍓: no one can ruin this day for me
Sharon🐧: so great you are having a nice day cuz you made mine by being so happy
Sharon🐧: can't wait for you to have a girlfriend, cuz if you did all of that for me, your friend, I wonder what you'll do for your girlfriend
Strawberryprincess🍓: wait what?!
Sharon🐧: I mean you took me to the beach and we are just friends, what would you do for your girlfriend
Sharon🐧: I wouldn't be surprised if you took her to the moon
Strawberryprincess🍓: I'm....
Strawberryprincess🍓: what the hell just happened
Chewy🦌: wait, mina so you think chae taking you to a fancy restaurant and spending the weekend at the beach was just a friends thing
Sharon🐧: I mean yeah, wasn't it
Strawberryprincess🍓: yeah, sure whatever you
GodJihyo🌵: I thought we had finally gotten somewhere with Mina
JisooChrist🐢🐰: damn this makes me want to cry and I never cry
JisooChrist🐢🐰: rosie is crying
Rosie🌸: it's just so sad, I'm here for you Chaeyoung if you need anything
Strawberryprincess🍓: thanks
Mandu🥟: damn and I thought lisa was oblivious
Strawberryprincess🍓: I'm going to have a horrible day now, I would like to be left alone
Sharon🐧: by I thought we were going to hangout again today
Strawberryprincess🍓: sorry mina, I just want to be alone
Nabong🐰: aw, my poor baby, make sure to eat, don't just stay locked in you room
Strawberryprincess🍓: okay
Nabong🐰: and don't give up on her, just keep pushing
Strawberryprincess🍓: didn't you give up on yours
Nabong🐰: mine was different, it was one sided, yours isn't
Strawberryprincess🍓: it seems like it tho
Nabong🐰: no it's not, she's just dumb, so don't give up
Strawberryprincess🍓: okay I won't, for now
Chewy🦌: trust me Chaeyoung, you guys are endgame
Ostrich💚: anyways, where have you been nayeon these past few days
Nabong🐰: just out
JisooChrist🐢🐰: so I'm guessing the date went well
Nabong🐰: great actually
Ostrich💚: oh really
Nabong🐰: he asked for a second date right after our first, ig he really liked me
Dancemachine🍑: impossible, no one likes you straight away
Dancemachine🍑: they have to get used to your loud annoyingness
Nabong🐰: well he did
Mandu🥟: don't listen to her, I liked you the first time I meet you
JisooChrist🐢🐰: yeah, me too
Ostrich💚: well, I didn't but now she's grown on me
GodJihyo🌵: stop bullying nayeon, she's your unnie have more respect
Dancemachine🍑: well she doesn't act like our unnie
Nabong🐰: you still need to respect me
GodJihyo🌵: yeah, look at BlackPink, they respect their unnie jisoo
JisooChrist🐢🐰: surprisingly that is true even lisa
Limario🐥: of course I do, I love my unnies and rose
Mandu🥟: I better be your favorite unnie
Limario🐥: of course baby, plus rose was always jisoo's favorite
Rosie🌸: really 😊
Limario🐥: yes, even before you were even dating, she was always so much nicer with you
Limario🐥: jisoo was like a mother with a favorite daughter
JisooChrist🐢🐰: I mean there is no lie there, I've always found something different in my rosie posie
Mandu🥟: rose does no wrong in jisoo's eyes
Rosie🌸: I mean I'm just perfect
Limario🐥: jihyo, I want to know your favorite
GodJihyo🌵: I don't have a favorite, I love them all
Dubu🍫: cmon you definitely have one
GodJihyo🌵: Ig Tzuyu because she's our baby
Chewy🦌: I thought you would have said Sana
GodJihyo🌵: why Sana? Just cuz she's your favorite doesn't mean she's mine
Satang🐹: aw, yoda, am I really your favorite
Dancemachine🍑: yes
Dubu🍫: yes
GodJihyo🌵: yes
Nabong🐰: yes
Chewy🦌: I mean yeah you are
Satang🐹: aw, you're my favorite too baby
Dudu🍫: baby 👀
Dubu🍫: well mine is my momo 🥰
Dancemachine🍑: and you are mine my tofu ♥️
Nabong🐰: I don't have a favorite, well at least not anymore
Sharon🐧: same here, I love you all the same
Strawberryprincess🍓: well with that I'm not answering mine
Ostrich💚: ig mine is between jihyo and mina
Sharon🐧: aw thanks
GodJihyo🌵: love you jeongyeon
Nabong🐰: ttyl I have a date
JisooChrist🐢🐰: with the same guy
Nabong🐰: no with that girl that also asked for my number
Mandu🥟: I thought it went well with the other guy
Nabong🐰: it did but I got to keep my options open
Ostrich💚: never thought I'd seen nayeon dating
Nabong🐰: jealous
Ostrich💚: no just surprised
GodJihyo🌵: sure
Nabong🐰: anyways I'll tell you guys how it goes
Limario🐥: jihyo you should also start going out
GodJihyo🌵: why me
Limario🐥: cuz you're like the only one left
GodJihyo🌵: I'm not the only one that is single in my group
Limario🐥: yeah but the rest are kinda already spoken for even if they haven't noticed yet
GodJihyo🌵: I don't know
Limario🐥: this way you can get over that girl that is some likely straight
GodJihyo🌵: I might go out this weekend but idk
Limario🐥: I would offer to be your wing woman but you already know my nini
Mandu🥟: absolutely not
Mandu🥟: we can go together but you can't leave my sight
Limario🐥: so yeah, can't help you with that
Ostrich💚: I can help you out jihyo, I'll make sure you get some numbers
GodJihyo🌵: okay
Dubu🍫: I couldn't imagine being single
Strawberryprincess🍓: well not everyone is lucky enough to have a person like you back
Strawberryprincess🍓: I think I'm going to go cry again
Strawberryprincess🍓: see you guys in a week when I don't feel as bad
Sharon🐧: don't be sad
Chewy🦌: I'm want to slap someone

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