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School meal club

Chewy🦌: dahyun, you and momo should really go on a double date with Sana and I

Chewy🦌: sana has been wanting to hangout with other couples

Dubu🍫: that sounds cool

Dubu🍫: as long as there is delicious food, my momo is happy

Strawberryprincess🍓: I'm not even going to ask, I already know I'm not invited 😔

Chewy🦌: well first get a girlfriend that also happens to be Japanese and in misamo

Strawberryprincess🍓: okay 😔

Strawberryprincess🍓: I'll just have a single girls' night, I might even invite some of my single friends

Chewy🦌: just don't invite somi cuz you know how mina gets

Strawberryprincess🍓: 😨😨😨

Dubu🍫: imagine how she'll be when she's actually your girlfriend

Strawberryprincess🍓: sadly she's not

Chewy🦌: she could be tho

Dubu🍫: so what's our plan on getting michaeng together

Strawberryprincess🍓: idk, I don't even think I have a chance

Dubu🍫: is it because of the date jeongyeon and mina had

Strawberryprincess🍓: I'd rather not talk about it

Chewy🦌: you didn't even watch the video

Strawberryprincess🍓: I couldn't watch it, I didn't want to feel even more jealous than I already was

Strawberryprincess🍓: I also didn't want to be mad at my dad jeongyeon

Strawberryprincess🍓: it's not jeongyeon's fault I feel like that

Chewy🦌: you should really watch the video

Strawberryprincess🍓: I've seen some clips of it and mina asked me if I watched it and I lied and said yes

Chewy🦌: maybe she wanted to see how you would react

Strawberryprincess🍓: ig

Dubu🍫: but you got to go on a date with Mina first and I think yours was cuter and more romantic

Strawberryprincess🍓: you thought mina and jeongyeon's date was romantic

Dubu🍫: that's what you got from all that

Dubu🍫: anyways

Dubu🍫: we could see how comfortable you were with each other but shy at the same time

Strawberryprincess🍓: you're just trying to make me feel better

Dubu🍫: I think alot of onces would agree, even our other members

Chewy🦌: I also think michaeng was cuter but maybe I'm bias

Strawberryprincess🍓: 😕😕😕

Chewy🦌: but the first chance Mina got to talk about you, she did

Strawberryprincess🍓: really 😳

Chewy🦌: yes

Dubu🍫: I'm telling you, all mina thinks about is chae and maybe boobs

Dubu🍫: speaking of boobs, tell Mina to stop looking at my girlfriend's

Dubu🍫: only I can look at them

Strawberryprincess🍓: I don't control Mina

Chewy🦌: I also think all mina does is think about chaeyoung and is waiting for the day you make a move

Strawberryprincess🍓: idk, I'm just so clouded with jealousy right now, I can't think right

Dubu🍫: we need a plan

Chewy🦌: I got one

Strawberryprincess🍓: really??

Chewy🦌: yes

Chewy🦌: hear me out but ...

Chewy🦌: why don't you stop being such a fucking pussy and ask her out

Strawberryprincess🍓: 😩😩😩

Strawberryprincess🍓: says the girl who took forever to ask Sana out that she just ended up asking you instead

Dubu🍫: she got you there

Chewy🦌: sure whatever 🙄

Chewy🦌: but Sana and I weren't acting like they do

Dubu🍫: chae, so your plan is to just wait for her to ask you instead

Strawberryprincess🍓: maybe, idk

Dubu🍫: what if she's doing the same thing

Dubu🍫: nothing is going to happen if you both are stubborn

Chewy🦌: what if she goes with the first person that asks her out just because she got tired of waiting

Strawberryprincess🍓: stop making me stress 😩

Chewy🦌: you won't want Mina to say yes to anyone just cuz you never did

Strawberryprincess🍓: I'll think about it

Chewy🦌: well think about it fast cuz time is tiking

Dubu🍫: it's going to run out

Chewy🦌: just like jeongyeon with nayeon

Strawberryprincess🍓: but nayeon has a girlfriend

Chewy🦌: don't get me wrong, I love yeri, she's more than great but her and nayeon are not lasting

Dubu🍫: damn okay, I'm trusting the love expert

Strawberryprincess🍓: tzuyu is a hardcore 2yeon shipper

Chewy🦌: til the day I die

Dubu🍫: bye, have to go Momo keeps bugging me to get off my phone and pay attention to her instead

Chewy🦌: well I have to go too, Sana just came over

Chewy🦌: dahyun don't forget about the double dating

Dubu🍫: 👌

Strawberryprincess🍓: bye ig

Strawberryprincess🍓: 🥲

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