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gc with GodJihyo🌵, sharon🐧, ostrich💚, rosie🌸, and limario🐥

GodJihyo🌵: gays, we should go out drinking
ostrich💚: I'm down
sharon🐧: I don't drink but I'll go
rosie🌸: I have nothing better to do so sounds good
GodJihyo🌵: what about lisa
limario🐥: idk, I have to ask my nini
ostrich💚: simp
ostrich💚: that's why I don't have a girlfriend, so she won't boss me around
limario🐥: she doesn't boss me around, it's just that I respect her and sometimes she has other plans for us that I don't know about
rosie🌸: jennie always plans surprise dates for lisa
sharon🐧: aw, she's so romantic
limario🐥: I don't want her to get mad with me for blowing her off for my friends
GodJihyo🌵: I wish I had a gf then I wouldn't have to hangout with you guys
ostrich💚: hey!!
GodJihyo🌵: I'm just kidding
ostrich💚: yeah cuz you can't even get a girlfriend
GodJihyo🌵: you either
ostrich💚: I could if I wanted too
limario🐥: true I know a certain someone that is head over heels over you
ostrich💚: I have so many after me
GodJihyo🌵: you literally only have like 1
ostrich💚: and you have none
sharon🐧: wait I that jihyo and sana had a thing
GodJihyo🌵: oh no
GodJihyo🌵: I literally I'm in love with some other girl
GodJihyo🌵: plus I'm pretty sure Sana has a crush on someone else
GodJihyo🌵: Sana literally told me the other girls thought the same
GodJihyo🌵: trust me, the girl I was talking about isn't Sana
GodJihyo🌵: who has been saying we have a thing
sharon🐧: well we all kinda thought it, after tzuyu said you guys were getting a bit to close and are always hanging out together
GodJihyo🌵: I mean yeah we hangout alot but as friends
sharon🐧: we all just thought it cuz if tzuyu said it, it's most likely true, she's good at telling those kinda thinks
rosie🌸: really??
sharon🐧: she told us about jennie and lisa before they even told us about there relationship
sharon🐧: she also told us about felix and hyunjin, minnie and miyeon, and irene and seulgi
rosie🌸: wow seems like she always right
sharon🐧: that's why we thought Sana and jihyo were a thing
GodJihyo🌵: there's nothing but friendship
sharon🐧: are you sure, cuz tzuyu always noticed when both of you guys were gone together or too close with each other
GodJihyo🌵: yeah cuz she's jealous
sharon🐧: why would she be jealous
GodJihyo🌵: you really don't see it
sharon🐧: I'm confused
limario🐥: same
rosie🌸: I think I get it
ostrich💚: I already know, tzuyu is like my baby so she tells me everything
sharon🐧: I still don't see what I'm supposed to see
ostrich💚: sweetie look at all the clues carefully
GodJihyo 🌵: tzuyu always notices when Sana and I are out together or next to each other
ostrich💚: more like she just notices what Sana is doing at all time
limario🐥: oh, I see know what you guys mean
sharon🐧: I'm still putting the clues together
GodJihyo🌵: tzuyu always wants to be with Sana
GodJihyo🌵: she only likes it when Sana is clingy with her
GodJihyo🌵: she gets really jealous when someone, especially guys, are talking to Sana
ostrich💚: we forget how oblivious mina is, we might need to actually tell her
sharon🐧: oh wait so...
sharon🐧: TZUYU LIKES SANA!!!!
GodJihyo🌵: finally she got it
sharon🐧: wait this is news to me
sharon🐧: how come I never noticed
GodJihyo🌵: you can't even notice the girl who likes you, how are you supposed to notice other people's feelings
sharon🐧: someone likes me
GodJihyo🌵: that's not the point of this
sharon🐧: I'm still in shock
rosie🌸: I kinda had a feeling she liked Sana
limario🐥: I didn't know anything but seeing how you described the situation, it wasn't hard to put two and two together
sharon🐧: does chae know?
ostrich💚: probably yes
sharon🐧: why didn't she tell me
sharon🐧: we literally spend all week together
limario🐥: she was probably respecting tzuyus privacy
ostrich💚: I really hope tzuyu womens up and asks Sana out
ostrich💚: she need to be just like me, her daddy and go after the girl she wants
rosie🌸: if your her dad who's her mom
ostrich💚: don't know actually
rosie🌸: you're raising your child without a mother
GodJihyo🌵: tzuyu definitely has a mother
ostrich💚: who? I need to know my baby mama
GodJihyo🌵: it's nayeon of course, she always treats her like a baby and then you get mad and tell nayeon that tzuyu needs to grow up and stop being babied
sharon🐧: just like a true family
limario🐥: speaking of nayeon, when are jeongyeon and nayeon getting together
rosie🌸: yeah when, you guys would make a cute couple
ostrich💚: me and that annoying bunny, never
ostrich💚: I couldn't be with someone that annoying and narcissist
ostrich💚:  it would never work, we always fight
GodJihyo🌵: more like you fight with her
ostrich💚: she the one that starts it
sharon🐧: I don't see it like that
sharon🐧: I always feel like nayeon is the one that is always getting attacked by you
GodJihyo🌵: as your leader I think you should be nicer to nayeon
ostrich 💚: it's not my fault she so annoying and loud
GodJihyo🌵: you say that, but you won't like it if she was the opposite
sharon🐧: sure nayeon is loud but annoying I don't think so
sharon🐧: she's always so nice with everyone
ostrich💚: sure, whatever
rosie🌸: guys I'm just saying, Jennie thought lisa was also loud and annoying, and see them now
limario🐥: wait she did
rosie🌸: trust me she did
limario🐥: ig that's what charmed her
GodJihyo🌵: I'm just saying jeongyeon, if nayeon wasn't the way she was, you would always be after her and constantly thinking about her
ostrich💚: who says I think about her
GodJihyo🌵: everyone knows that, even yourself so stop trying to lie
ostrich💚: just cuz nayeon is all over me doesn't mean I have too
sharon🐧: I just think you should start seeing nayeon in a different way
ostrich💚: why? What is if I want something completely different like a quiet, elegant girl that keeps to herself
GodJihyo🌵: that maybe what you might want but it's not what you need
ostrich💚: I know nayeon is not what I need, I of course care about her as a member and friend but nothing else
GodJihyo🌵: just don't let her go when it's too late, I know you'll regret it
ostrich💚: of course I won't regret anything
sharon🐧: someday you are going to want more than just hook ups
ostrich💚: sure, I'll let you know when I do
sharon🐧: just don't make nayeon one of your hook ups because we all know that's not what she wants
GodJihyo🌵: oh god, there is so much sexual tension between you two
ostrich💚: I won't lie and say I don't find her attractive, I mean she is so hot but I don't have feelings for her
limario🐥: you would sleep with nayeon
ostrich💚: obviously I would, but I know nayeon is not that type of girl
ostrich💚: anyway can we stop talking about me
rosie🌸: yeah, why don't we talk about how oblivious mina is
sharon🐧: me??
GodJihyo🌵: oh lord don't even get me started
sharon🐧: I don't know what you're talking about
rosie🌸: the fact that you don't know just proves our point
sharon🐧: am I that oblivious
GodJihyo🌵: YES
limario🐥: YES
rosie🌸: YES
ostrich💚: is she
GodJihyo🌵: yes, she literally can't get the hint when her crush is literally on their knee giving her flowers
ostrich💚: wait who likes mina
rosie🌸: we can't tell you here
ostrich💚: I'll just ask jihyo, she's in the other room
GodJihyo🌵: hurry up
sharon🐧: ...
ostrich💚: omg I should have known
ostrich💚: why didn't she tell me
sharon🐧: she who
ostrich💚: honestly now that I know, I can't see how mina doesn't see it
limario🐥: at first it was funny how oblivious mina was but now it's just plain sad
sharon🐧: I can't help it, I just think everyone wants to be my friend
GodJihyo🌵: not even when they make a big romantic gesture and ask you if you want to be more then friends
sharon🐧: they want to be best friends
rosie🌸: I don't know how you can be so smart yet so dumb in love
GodJihyo🌵: God, she doesn't even notice how jealous and angry she get when a guy stars flirting with Mina
limario🐥: I remember that, it was at bambam's party
rosie🌸: I literally saw her about to break the door on her way out
sharon🐧: damn I feel bad
limario🐥: you just need to be more aware on people intentions towards you
rosie🌸: that love of you life is closer than you think
ostrich💚: anyways so are we going out or not
rosie🌸: I'm still down
GodJihyo🌵: same here
rosie🌸: what about you lisa, did jennie let you go
limario🐥: yes but I can only be out until 12, nini needs me home by then
rosie🌸: your mommy gave you a curfew
limario🐥: I may call her mommy but she is not my mother
ostrich💚: ew TMI bro
limario🐥: and guess what, I am coming home at 12 cuz what mommy wants mommy gets
ostrich💚: do you actually call her that
limario🐥: sometimes it certain occasions if you know what I mean
ostrich💚: ew bro
rosie🌸: jennie calls her daddy
limario🐥: how do you know that
rosie🌸: we can hear you when you think no one is
limario🐥: don't tell nini you know this, she'll get to embarrassed
rosie🌸: okay, whatever
ostrich💚: wait mina, are you going out with us
sharon🐧: idk, can chae come, I'm with her right now and don't want to leave her alone
GodJihyo🌵: of course chae can come
sharon🐧: okay, we are going
rosie🌸: wait how long has chaeyoung been there
sharon🐧: today and yesterday, she slept over and I think she's staying again
limario🐥: did you sleep on the same bed
sharon🐧: yeah, I have another room but I feel lonely know she's there by herself
rosie🌸: I just think you need to reflect on all of what you just said
sharon🐧: okay?
GodJihyo🌵: im going to slap you one day
limario🐥: don't get violent jihyo
GodJihyo🌵: can't help myself, it's my nature
rosie🌸: I get you, I always feel like slapping lisa
limario🐥: 😠
ostrich💚: anyways, meet you guys there bye
GodJihyo🌵: okay bye, see you
rosie🌸: bye
sharon🐧: bye
limario🐥: bye, don't be late

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