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Satang🐹: girls, I need your help

Dancemachine🍑: okay spill

Sharon🐧: I'm here to help 🫡

Satang🐹: so, I want to ask someone out but I need you guys to give me courage

Dancemachine🍑: so you're actually going to ask Tzuyu out

Satang🐹: I said I wanted to ask someone out, I never said who

Dancemachine🍑: like it wasn't obvious who the person is

Satang🐹: okay, whatever, it's Tzuyu

Sharon🐧: I'm still so shocked about the fact that you like Tzuyu

Dancemachine🍑: took you long enough to see it

Satang🐹: don't be so hard on her, she's a bit slow when it comes to love

Satang🐹: she didn't know you and dubu were dating until she saw you both practically swallowing each other's faces

Dancemachine🍑: good thing she didn't come any time later because who knows what she might have seen

Sharon🐧: okay, I may not be able to tell certain things but I think someone likes me

Satang🐹: oh really who

Dancemachine🍑: pls say the person we are all thinking

Sharon🐧: well, chewy told me that chae think jeongyeon likes me

Dancemachine🍑: 🙃🫠🤨😐😶😒

Sharon🐧: do you guys know anything about that, cuz I really hope it's not true because I don't want to hurt jeongyeon's feelings

Satang🐹: jeongyeon doesn't like

Sharon🐧: oh thank God

Satang🐹: c'mon, we all know she's in love with nayeon but just doesn't want to admit it

Dancemachine🍑: jeongyeon is as down bad for nayeon as nayeon is for her

Dancemachine🍑: if she doesn't admit it soon, Nayeon is going to slip through her hands

Sharon🐧: honestly they look so cute together

Sharon🐧: they give enemies to lovers vibes as well as complete opposites

Dancemachine🍑: see now you're learning how to read people

Sharon🐧: 2yeon are so endgame

Satang🐹: lets pray they are

Dancemachine🍑: baby yoda said they are so it has to be

Sharon🐧: okay so if it's so obvious that jeongyeon doesn't like me then why did chewy tell me that

Sharon🐧: I mean she's the love expert, she obviously knows 2yeon are endgame

Sharon🐧: why was she lowkey trying to get us together

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