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Satang🐹 and Chewy🦌

Satang🐹: baby, why haven't you talked to me

Satang🐹: are you ignoring me

Satang🐹: are you not feeling well

Satang🐹: I'm worried about you

Satang🐹: baby?

Chewy🦌: I'm fine

Chewy🦌: don't need to worry

Chewy🦌: stop texting me

Satang🐹: are you mad at me

Chewy🦌: do I have a reason to be mad

Satang🐹: no

Chewy🦌: then I'm not mad

Satang🐹: but you clearly are

Chewy🦌: if you say so

Satang🐹: baby, don't be like that

Satang🐹: tell me if I did something wrong

Satang🐹: pls, I can't take you not talking to me

Chewy🦌: it's just I have some doubts

Satang🐹: about what, us??

Chewy🦌: yes and about you and jihyo

Satang🐹: jihyo??

Satang🐹: what does she have to do with us

Chewy🦌: alot actually

Satang🐹: why?

Chewy🦌: you and her clearly have something or at least you have feelings for jihyo

Satang🐹: what are you talking about

Chewy🦌: if you have feelings for her just tell me and we can go back to how we were, I promise it won't be awkward

Chewy🦌: you even tired to kiss her in front of everyone at the concert

Satang🐹: is that what it's about, you're just jealous about that, baby, you know how I am with the girls, it's nothing serious, I like to play with them like that, I do the same with you

Satang🐹: and I didn't say anything about you being in the hot tub or whatever in was with elkie, even though I felt like I was burning with jealousy

Satang🐹: and I didn't take it out on you cuz I knew it was stupid to even be jealous

Chewy🦌: I might be jealous but even way before we started dating, I had felt like there is something there between you and jihyo

Chewy🦌: and elkie and I don't act like you do with jihyo

Satang🐹: baby, what are you even saying, jihyo and I are just friends, we are like sisters to each other

Chewy🦌: I love jihyo so I won't be mad if you guys decide to be in a relationship

Satang🐹: are you even listening to what I'm saying

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