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School meal club

Strawberryprincess🍓: bro, you never told us about your date with Sana

Strawberryprincess🍓: I mean I know it went well because if the way you are acting around each other

Dubu🍫: pls tell

Strawberryprincess🍓: I thought momo had already told you and didn't want to tell me anything so tzuyu could tell me

Dubu🍫: momo did tell me but I want to know chewy's version of the date

Strawberryprincess🍓: I wonder why mina didn't tell me anything, she definitely knows

Dubu🍫: so baby yoda, how was it 😏

Chewy🦌: I don't know how to feel

Strawberryprincess🍓: 🙃?

Dubu🍫: start by telling us about the date

Chewy🦌: well Sana planned everything, it was perfect

Chewy🦌: we made pizza, walked at a park, and did karaoke

Chewy🦌: it's the happiest I've been in a while

Strawberryprincess🍓: did you guys kiss 😏

Chewy🦌: yes we did, at karaoke Sana sang kiss me and it was obvious her way of telling me to kiss her so I did

Dubu🍫: you did more than kissing

Strawberryprincess🍓: wait, did you gays do it 😳😲

Dubu🍫: they sure did and from what momo told me, it was magical

Strawberryprincess🍓: I can't believe tzuyu fucks on the first date

Chewy🦌: I usually don't but it's Sana we are talking about, of course I gave in into my deepest desire

Chewy🦌: since I could remember, Sana has been my deepest desire in many ways not just sexually

Strawberryprincess🍓: was it good

Chewy🦌: better than anything I could have ever imagined

Chewy🦌: sana's body was just so perfect, everything about her is perfect

Chewy🦌: she took me to the sky

Dubu🍫: you've been hanging out with shuhua too much

Strawberryprincess🍓: okay so if the sex was so good why are you having mixed feelings 🤔

Chewy🦌: yeah the sex was amazing and I don't regret it at all but I think it was too early, we are not even official

Chewy🦌: what if she thinks I'm easy and give it to anyone that shows interest in me and because of that thinks I'm not serious about our relationship

Strawberryprincess🍓: Sana would never think that, she knows you

Dubu🍫: plus you're on the same page as Sana and are you thinking that way about her

Chewy🦌: well no, of course not

Dubu🍫: then why are you thinking like that

Chewy🦌: okay but that doesn't take the fact that I think Sana is dating me because she's too good of a person to tell me she doesn't like me back

Strawberryprincess🍓: you think she pities you

Chewy🦌: yes, you guys said it yourselves that you would always tell her I had a crush on her

Chewy🦌: and she only asked me out because you guys kept telling her to

Dubu🍫: you're so fucking dumb sometimes


Chewy🦌: I don't know, maybe she thought she had to because she felt obligated to do it cus she could tell I really wanted it

Strawberryprincess🍓: bro why can't you just admit she likes you back, anyone with eyes can see that


Strawberryprincess🍓: what did I do 😫😫

Dubu🍫: nothing right now, but I know you will

Chewy🦌: I just find it hard to think that Sana likes me, when I have always thought and still do, that Sana likes jihyo

Strawberryprincess🍓: here she goes again

Chewy🦌: I just care so much about both of them, that I think they should be together no matter my feelings

Chewy🦌: the only thing that is holding Sana back is that jihyo likes someone else

Strawberryprincess🍓: how the hell did you come to that conclusion but can't see the truth

Strawberryprincess🍓: are you supposed to be the love expert

Dubu🍫: yeah a love expert not the dumbest fucking person alive

Chewy🦌: I think I need to give it some time and let it set in that the girl I like likes me back and wants a relationship with me

Strawberryprincess🍓: don't be jealous of jihyo okay, nayeon is already jealous

Chewy🦌: why is she jealous

Strawberryprincess🍓: well she think jihyo and jeongyeon have been really close lately

Strawberryprincess🍓: obviously she doesn't have anger raging jealous about them, it more like, she wishes it was her with jeongyeon

Strawberryprincess🍓: and I mean, who isn't a little jealous of Jihyo, she is literally MOTHER

Chewy🦌: no lies were detected in that statement

Dubu🍫: I thought nayeon was trying to get over jeongyeon

Strawberryprincess🍓: yeah, the key word is trying, she still has a very long way to go

Chewy🦌: nayeon will never get over jeongyeon, it might take awhile, but it will be endgame

Chewy🦌: jeongyeon is just afraid of what nayeon makes her feel so she pretends like nayeon is annoying

Dubu🍫: I wish you were as sure with you relationship as you are of theirs

Chewy🦌: it's just different

Dudu🍫: she literally gave herself to you, she is all yours

Chewy🦌: I'll try not to think negatively and focus on making Sana happy

Strawberryprincess🍓: just don't let your insecurities win

Chewy🦌: I think once Sana and I are official, I will have no doubts she is mine as I am hers

Strawberryprincess🍓: just make it official already, Sana will definitely say yes

Dubu🍫: you have to ask her because she asked you out first

Chewy🦌: I might do it soon, if my doubt don't win me over

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