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Nabong🐰, JisooChrist🐢🐇, Mandu🥟, Baechu💞, SeulBear🐻, and Yeriana💜

Baechu💞: hey guys, how's it going

Nabong🐰: good ig

Mandu🥟: I've been doing great

SeulBear🐻: has Lisa been treating you good, if not, I can go teach her a lesson

Mandu🥟: lili has been amazing, she's the best girlfriend

Mandu🥟: don't tell her I said that tho

SeulBear🐻: cuz you won't want your girlfriend to know you think she's the best, right

Mandu🥟: right, that's just embarrassing

JisooChrist🐢🐇: who needs to be taught a lesson is jennie, she has lisa bewitched

Nabong🐰: I don't know how she does it

Nabong🐰: I wish I had that power

Mandu🥟: you want to know how I do it

Nabong🐰: yes pls

Mandu🥟: I'm Jennie Kim, that's how I do it

Nabong🐰: true

Baechu💞: I don't know why I thought she was going to give you a witches number or something

JisooChrist🐢🐇: I wouldn't be surprised if she knew one or two

Mandu🥟: I don't need a witch, I just have to be Jennie Kim and everything just comes to me

SeulBear🐻: damn, I wish I had your confidence

JisooChrist🐢🐇: so you don't think you have irene under your spell

SeulBear🐻: no 😑

Baechu💞: umm 🤔

Baechu💞: I think we both love each other very much but not in an obsessive way that lisa and Jennie are

SeulBear🐻: yeah that ^^^

JisooChrist🐢🐇: everything about jenlisa is obsessive

Mandu🥟: ig 🙄

Baechu💞: so how is the whole make jeongyeon jealous thing going

Nabong🐰: nowhere

Nabong🐰: she acts the same way she did before

Nabong🐰: no signs of jealous

Yeriana💜: damn, am I not hot enough to get jealous over

SeulBear🐻: of course, you're super hot

Yeriana💜: thanks, ig

Mandu🥟: I wouldn't completely say she hasn't changed

Mandu🥟: she's always asking about how things are going with yeri

Yeriana💜: that sounds like she's atleast curious about us

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