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Ostrich💚: how is the new couple doing

Nabong🐰: satzu are doing great

Nabong🐰: the perfect couple

Ostrich💚: I was asking them not you

Nabong🐰: whatever

Satang🐹: my baby and I are just doing great

Satang🐹: I fall in love more and more everyday

Satang🐹: there's not a single time where I'm not thinking of her

Chewy🦌: 😁😁😁😁

Dancemachine🍑: damn that's it, not even a ily

Dubu🍫: is someone too scared of expressing their feelings to their girlfriend in front of their friends

Limario🐥: it's okay Tzuyu, not everyone is like me, always telling everybody how much I love my girlfriend and how hot she is

Dancemachine🍑: I hope no one's like you, most of it is tmi

Dancemachine🍑: I don't need to know your sex life

GodJihyo🌵: I don't think you should be talking, you're just as bad as lisa

Dancemachine🍑: no I'm not 😠

Dubu🍫: sweetie, yes you are

Dancemachine🍑: that's what I get for loving my girlfriend

Dubu🍫: that's just how I love you

Chewy🦌: I'm not scared of saying anything in front of you gays but somethings I want to keep in person so it can feel even more special

Chewy🦌: I'm not going to text out my feelings when I think that should be a in person, private event

Strawberryprincess🍓: tzuyu is always saying ily to Sana on the phone, it's kinda annoying 🙄

Chewy🦌: you're only mad cuz you're single

Strawberryprincess🍓: damn, she got me there

Satang🐹: my baby is so cute 🤭

Chewy🦌: and you're hot

Satang🐹: 😩😩😩

Limario🐥: why doesn't my girlfriend call me hot

JisooChrist🐢🐇: cuz you're not

Limario🐥: 😡😡😡😡

Mandu🥟: lili, don't be mad, you're the hottest

Mandu🥟: I thought you knew with the way I always act with you

Limario🐥: 🤗🤗🤗🤗

JisooChrist🐢🐇: why are you guys always about to jump on each other

Mandu🥟: cuz my lili is so hot

Rosie🌸: lets be honest, we are all so fucking hot

Ostrich💚: I would also say I'm a little sexy too

Nabong🐰: you sure are but not as much as me

Ostrich💚: 🤨🤨

Sharon🐧: would any of you say I'm sexy

Strawberryprincess🍓: of course you 100% are

Strawberryprincess🍓: have you not seen a single video of yourself or even looked in the mirror

Strawberryprincess🍓: you are perfect

Sharon🐧: aww, thank you chaeng 🥰

Nabong🐰: so satzu, what are we doing today

Nabong🐰: I had a great time watching movies with you last time

Satang🐹: we still haven't decided

GodJihyo🌵: oh, pls tell me nayeon hasn't been third wheeling you guys

Chewy🦌: she has, pls make her stop mother jihyo

Satang🐹: tzu!!!

Chewy🦌: Sana is too nice to tell nayeon anything and she didn't let me say anything but I'm tired of nayeon always being there

Chewy🦌: I want to spend time with my girlfriend alone

Nabong🐰: I thought we were having fun 😔

Satang🐹: we do have fun

Chewy🦌: but sometimes we need time to be will just ourselves

Nabong🐰: okay if thats how you feel

GodJihyo🌵: don't you have a girlfriend, why are you trying to be satzu's shadow

Ostrich💚: did you guys break up already

Nabong🐰: no but we've both been too busy to see each other

Mandu🥟: so things are going well with yeri

Nabong🐰: amazing actually but this week it been more text and calling each other

Nabong🐰: we are busy people

Ostrich💚: hope things get better, I won't want a busy schedule to cause anything

Nabong🐰: we'll fine time for each other soon enough

Mandu🥟: yeri is such a sweetheart

JisooChrist🐢🐇: no one better for nayeon

Nabong🐰: she truly is amazing

Ostrich💚: you sound in love

Nabong🐰: I don't know if I'm there yet

Sharon🐧: this is making me feel really single

Sharon🐧: someone needs to set me on a blind date or something

Sharon🐧: try to match make me with someone

Strawberryprincess🍓: same here, I'm the only one in the school meal club that's single

Rosie🌸: I think that's a job for tzuyu the love expert

Chewy🦌: I could but idk if anything will happen

Chewy🦌: I don't think you need a blind date, you guys need to stop being blind

Strawberryprincess🍓: that doesn't help

Limario🐥: I blinded by my nini's love and I don't think that's a bad thing, so chae, say blind

JisooChrist🐢🐇: damn bro, why are you so cringe

Limario🐥: why are you always attracting me

JisooChrist🐢🐇: it's what sisters do

Limario🐥: sure whatever 🙄

JisooChrist🐢🐇: love you

Limario🐥: love you too, ig

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