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GodJihyo🌵: Rosé , I was your vlog, it was so cute

Rosie🌸: aw thank you 😊

Sharon🐧: I love watching all of you girls' vlogs, especially the Paris vlog, it looks so beautiful and romantic

Rosie🌸: it is a very beautiful place

Sana🐹: seeing the chaesoo moments warmed my heart

Strawberryprincess🍓: yeah, jisoo and rosé are such a cute couple

Nabong🐰: you can see the love in your eyes even on camera

Rosie🌸: well it was back when jisoo wasn't mad at me 🥲

Rosie🌸: I debated whether or not to put that footage in the vlog but I decided it's better to put it

Rosie🌸: it made me sad and happy looking back at the footage

Mandu🥟: I literally watched the chaesoo part like 10 times, I miss seeing you guys together and practically on top of each other 😭

Rosie🌸: me too 😭😭😭😭

JisooChrist🐢🐇: okay, calm down, no need to cry

Limario🐥: Rosie, I saw you went to disney, why didn't chu go with you

Rosie🌸: she was too busy 🙄

JisooChrist🐢🐇: that's the life of an ambassador

Limario🐥: another more important question is, why didn't you buy me something

Rosie🌸: cuz I was their for me, not you and I simply didn't want to

Limario🐥: ☹️☹️☹️

Mandu🥟: I also noticed jisoo said you guys slept together a night 😏

Nabong🐰: I also noticed that 😈

Mandu🥟: tell me about that

Nabong🐰: tell us everything in great detail

Rosie🌸: well we just hungout, talked, and slept

JisooChrist🐢🐇: that's not entirely true

JisooChrist🐢🐇: I mean we did do that but you are missing something before sleeping

JisooChrist🐢🐇: and even that, we didn't sleep that much because we were to busy doing something else

Rosie🌸: JISOO!!!!!!!!!

Rosie🌸: are you really going to tell them about our sex life

JisooChrist🐢🐇: I wasn't going to give details but you didn't have to lie to them

JisooChrist🐢🐇: plus, I wasn't the one acting like a cat in heat that night

JisooChrist🐢🐇: you couldn't get enough of me that night

Rosie🌸: JISOO!!!!!!!!

Dancemachine🍑: that's what she said that night

JisooChrist🐢🐇: and a lot of times

Mandu🥟: Rosie, why so horny

JisooChrist🐢🐇: she always is, she's practically always begging me to fuck her

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