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Aurora was furious when she got home, she banged the door shut as she entered her house, walked up the stairs to her room, and without closing the door she laid on her bed."I would have slapped him right in the face if the couch hadn't appeared out of nowhere."Aurora spoke to the silent room and was mocked by the echo of her voice in the passage. After repeating and replaying the scenario in her mind she decided to take a walk to the park, after bathing she dressed in a white T-shirt and black jeans. She took with her a coat in case it gets cold outside.

She ran down the stair almost tripping. She went to the kitchen and wrote on a sticky note for her brother." I would be back soon."Sticking it on the fridge she took an apple from it and headed outside.

It was displayed to be 5:07 pm by her phone as she checked, she signs putting the phone back in her jeans pocket.

As she reached the park a small girl ran up to her immediately, hugging her the girl looked up to see her shocked reaction. The girl giggled as she ran to the bushes, Aurora followed her to make sure she doesn't get hurt by the thorns of the bush."Hey little girl, where's your mother or guardian?"Aurora asked behind her but was answered by the cute giggles of the girl.

The girl came to a halt mimicked by Aurora who was trying to catch her breath. She looked up to see the girl hugging a beautiful lady in her 20s."Excuse me, I just wanted to ask if she is your child."Aurora asked in a breathless voice due to her running."Yes, she is, thanks for following her  though."The woman replied with a grateful smile before turning to say something to the little girl.

 Aurora looked around the new place she had just discovered. The place was scanty and she could see newly burnt-out cigarettes on the floor.

"I would advise you to leave this place before dark."She heard the woman say behind her before she turned away to leave with her daughter through the bushes that Aurora had passed from. Aurora had a feeling the environment was dangerous, but she really want to stay a little longer, it was so quiet and that was what she needed right now not the park that was noise polluted with babies crying. Silence.

She laid down on one of the cleanest benches she found, and closing her eyes she fell asleep quickly.

She was awoken by the sound of people talking not far away. She inserted her hand in her pocket and extracted her phone, checking the time it was said to be 6:58.She let out a little gap before walking towards the bushes to go out of the place, but to her surprise, it was blocked. She clutched her phone tighter, and looking back she could see faint shadows coming from a distance.

Her breathing was getting slower and her hands were shaking.

Her phone dropped to the floor due to her hands shaking, her legs started to get wobbly and all of a sudden, she heard it.

The gunshot.

She checked her body expecting to see red liquid gushing out from any part, but there was nothing. She bent down on the floor as she tried to get her breathing to be normal. she heard a scream and as she stood up a little to see what was happening she saw a body on the floor not quite far from the bench she laid on, the person was laying in blood. Not some normal drip of blood but a pool of blood. She covered her mouth trying her best not to scream and not to cry.

After the punching and the gunshots subsided she heard a voice.

"Master we have a Watcher with us."

Aurora's heart lost its blood at that very moment.

Could that be her?

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663 words.

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