Prologue :Genesis

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Genesis: the origin or coming into being of something.
<Generation, creation>

The universe started with darkness, and it will end with darkness. It is a cycle; a circle that will always be continuous. But it wasn't always like that.

Shadows crawled on every surface as Nyx goddess of night ruled. In a state of solitude she created her children Helios, Thanatos, Hypos rose from a pit of darkness.

Nyx the bringer of darkness and night looked at her children with a glimmer of love, then she saw Helios. His golden fiery hair was different from the blander colors of his siblings. Distain filled her face, she made a runt. Weak and pathetic child.

Quickly she threw Helios on a large black planet. Abandoning him.

Helios cried out tears as a baby, searching for warmth. Searching for someone to love. His tears created streams of rivers filling up the planets craters and cracks.

As Helios grew older he lit the crystal-like planet up in flames in rage as he confronted his created- his mother. And the sun in the solar system was created.

Other planets followed suit becoming a vast universe. And all bowed to Helios. King of the universe, king of the sun and light.

Helios built a kingdom from ruin and cold, turning the solar system into his empire.

His mother Nyx. Smiled down at him. Distain no longer filled her features as she realized she didn't make a runt, but rather someone different and powerful. With that she went into a deep sleep. One day she would be awakened.

The planets flourished and created the Era of Light.A millennium continued ruled by light and peace.

Still Helios felt as if something was missing. Although he had many Deities by his side, he felt a sense of loneliness.

With that he grabbed pieces of his own flames and created his children.

All special in their own ways, but his youngest, from the flame from his heart came a baby girl different from her many siblings.

But these flames from his heart was touched by a Astraeus the titan god of space and planets. For Helios when grabbing his flames also grabbed another essence. The essence of space itself.

A girl with locks of platinum gold. Unlike the bright gold or fiery hair raging from her siblings she had no curls but soft hair floating. Her skin wasn't dark, gold, or bronze like her ten brothers and her nine sisters.

Helios frowned looking at his youngest daughter. She reminded him of how he was different than his siblings.

He gave a soft smile and brushed her locks out of her eyes. Her little pudgy fingers wrapped around his finger.

He gave her a soft smile. He wouldn't abandon him like how he was abandoned.

"Leora. That will be your name little one. May your days be filled with light and kindness." He knew all his kids were made for greatness, but Leora would be different: a good different.

His children grew up into fine young princes and princesses.

Then he granted them each something to look after. His sons were to keep the sun alight. His daughter's to protect each planet and each created a new type of light. Becoming a guardian of that special light.

Leora : Light; compassion

Leora : Light; compassion

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