Chapter 3: Weirdo, Airhead, or Klutz

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Alora Romano

Alora Romano

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Oh goodness!

I forgot, since I have time in this wonderfully noisy hall let me fill you in.

My name is Alora, like Flora but with an A instead of an F.

Anyways I'm just your average girl, I have a wonderful family, I love to sleep, eat, and daydream.

The last one gets me in trouble a bit. Along with the sleeping part.

I'm fifteen. Turning sixteen in a week. I'm high school at Ace Academy, a charter school with uniforms.

I have no idea how I got into this school much less how I'm still in this school.

So far this entire week I messed up, I slipped and my tray of food hit the principal. Oops.

An even bigger oops is that I cried when my food hit the floor.

Let's just say he wasn't pleased.

I still don't know why I'm in this school.

Also the interview didn't go well. I'll let you guess why: 1) I was late 2)I made a mess on the desk 3) I accidentally slipped causing me to accidentally—yeah it was an accident—slap the vice principal who was interviewing me. And 4) all of the above.

If you guess all the above, you're correct.

I am a walking mess. If ruled the world, it would probably go up in flames.

Oh and right now I'm following everyone back to class.

Thankfully no one found out that I was the one who accidentally pulled the alarm.

Oh right! I was talking to you. It must be weird having someone in a book talk to you.

Hopefully this will be the last time.

Let's see...

I'm a stuffed animal lover, I love watching the moon, I love my family with my life, I love eating and sleeping.

I think that's it.

Like I said, I'm normal.

I said that, right?

"Mrs.Romano." Mrs.Haines frowned, causing worry lines in her forehead to be more prominent.

She gestured for me to grab my bag, "The bell already rung. Now snap out of your daydream and get to class."

I nodded and grabbed my bag. She seemed to be tired.

I paused before I left the room. One leg was already out the door.

"Are you okay, Mrs.Haines?"

She nodded, "Yes. Just go to class."

I rushed out the class to get to my next one. Hopefully I'll be there on time.

I finally reached my next class on time! Which I admit rarely happens.

"Hey Tiff!" I ran over to her and hugged her from behind.

"How you doing orca?"

I smiled, "Great!" I didn't want to talk about the fire alarm incident.

"I met a new guy."

"Really? Who? Spill!" She leaned over the desk, "I want all the details.

Tiffany is a bit boy crazy. By a bit I mean a lot. She loves all the drama and practically falls for any guy.

And like me she forgets to do her homework. But it's not because she falls to sleep but, because she's up late at parties.

She's the life of the party.

"Come on! Tell me."

I sat in the desk next to her, "I'm sitting next to him in home room. His name is Mr.Carlton."

"Atlas?" Her face perked up. Her eyes lit as a smirk came to her face. That face means that she knows drama on him or information.

"I don't know much but...Atlas is cold but, cool. He's also helpful to others for no reason. Well... he seems cold from the outside at least. With his friends he's less quiet. He doesn't show up to many parties. He does some sports and likes to run late at night. But that's all I know."

She tapped her pencil, "Oh, and he doesn't seem interested in any girl. He has a group of girls chasing after him, and many girls in the school have a crush on him or had one."

I nodded. Cold? He didn't seem cold to me.

"He's not bad news. He just keeps to himself and his friends. He'll talk to others but the conversation are short and clipped."

She leaned forward, "Rumor has it: he's in love with someone and see's her at night. Especially since he goes on long runs."

I bit my lip thoughtfully, "Thanks,Tiff."

"Alright. Good morning. Let's pick up where we where yesterday. Page 30 of The Lord of the Flies." Mr.Mackintosh my English teacher said.

I sighed and opened the book.

"Why do books have to be so big!" I groaned aloud. Thankfully I was in the back so Mr.Mackintosh didn't hear me.

"I hear you." The guy in front of me turned around. His green eyes held a look of pain, "Books are so boring."

"Especially when you're forced to read them." Tiffany added as she grabbed her nail file from her bag.

The green eyes boy smiled at me, "You're the new kid, right?"

"Yep! You can call me Alora. I also go by Ora."

He grinned, "Names Josh."

"Nice to meet you Josh."

"You as well, Ora."

I tried my best to stay present in class but, my mind betrayed me.

Images of Atlas filled my mind.

I could practically feel my fingers sliding through his thick raven hair. His soft tresses running through my fingers as I brush his scalp. Tracing little stars on his head. His eyes darker than a raging sea stair through my gray eyes leaving me breathless.

"Um... Ora. I get that my hair is great but, could you not touch it."

I blinked twice and saw my fingers running through Josh's hair.

"S-sorry!" I whispered back keeping my hands to myself.

"It's fine. My hair is pretty soft." She started to pet his head like a cat. You can pet it too."

I shook my head and muttered a 'No thank you'.

God I'm so weird.

Maybe I am an airhead.

I put my head in my arms and groan internally. When will English class end?!



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