Chapter 1 : Alarm Troubles

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Alora Romano 💕

"Alora! Wake up! You'll be late!"

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"Alora! Wake up! You'll be late!"

I groaned and rolled over. School could wait. I have time.

A glare of light hit my eye. I sat up reluctantly, "Even the sun hates me in the morning." I grumbled pulling back my layers of blankets and removing my stuffed animals off me.

"Alora! Go! Get up!"

"In a minute Mom!" I yelled back to her. I slouched on my bed before looking at my alarm clock.

"Six fifty three?!" I snapped out of my sleepy haze and ran to get dressed.

"I'm late again!" I yelled to no one. I looked at my fluffy blankets. It looks so warm. So tempting. And better yet it won't yell at me if I'm late.

"Alora! Now or you'll miss the subway train!"

Threw my stuff in my bag and ran down the stairs.


"Can't. I'm late! Love you!" I called out stuffing my feet in my shoes before bolting out the door and down the stairs.

I stumbled upon the crowd. New York City. A city of dreams- and more importantly a city of crowds.

"I don't have time to wait for the next train." I grumbled to myself and darted through the crowded sidewalk.

Thankfully the school is only a few blocks away.

I got in the Charter school on a lottery basis. My parents were so glad that I got in. I got in after someone dropped out. After a year of being waitlisted my parents were so glad.

Not that my original school wasn't so bad, but we had gang violence.

Hey what can I say? Welcome to New York City.

"Hey! Watch it!" Someone shoved me.

"Sorry!" I called out and continued on my way.

It's only been four days since school started, and I'm late... for the fifth time!

"I'm so late!" I groaned and ran down the smelly street.

Finally I reached the school. The sidewalk was long and lamppost led straight to the school.

Ace Academy. The red and brown bricks stood tall and straight. Almost daunting. It looked warm but, I knew better.

Mrs.Haines would eat me alive. Looks warm, but cold and stern.

I ran in the doors, hopefully she didn't sign everyone else in.

I huffed and finally reached the doors to the class H180.

I braced myself as I opened the door a sliver.

"Miss Romano. Late again." Mrs.Haines eyes turned into slits. Like a cat ready to attack it's prey.

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