7.2 : Babysitter

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Aite Abara

I slide my hands down my hips, smoothing my red dress

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I slide my hands down my hips, smoothing my red dress.

"Such a bore. This is why I hate dating apps." I grumble, "Dressed up for nothing."

"Wait!" I turn to see the guy I was on a date with standing there.

I shake my head, "Sorry, I have something I need to do."

He grabbed my arm. So desperate.

"Look. I'm sorry, Noah, but I have to go."

"Will I see you again?"

"Perhaps." I wave bye to him and leave.

I call a cab and slide in.

"Where ya going to miss?"

"Anywhere. Away from here."

"Look like you're from Manhattan. Wanna go there?"

I nod and sit quietly in the cab.

After forty minutes we are still stuck in New York City traffic.

"You know, I'll walk." I had him a large wad of cash, "Keep the change."

He quickly counts it, "Have a good day, Miss."

I nod and slip out of the cab into an alleyway.

I quickly peered around to make sure no one was around.

I turned the knob of my watch backwards and my uniform started to expand onto my body.

Before I knew it, I was in my black and red body suit and my black and red mask was on my head, a black lightning bolt across my left eye.

"Let's go find the biggest thorn in my ass."

But before I knew it a girl was shoved into the alleyway, "Roman!" She screeched.

Ouch, my ears. Does she have to shout louder than a siren?

She started to rub her butt and tears pooled in the corner of her eyes.

Then I saw something. Well more like felt it.

My fingers tickled. Electricity poured into the tips of my fingers. Almost pulling me to her.

Does she also have powers?

Who is she?

"Did not! I'm not a klutz. He pushed me!" She yelled thrashing her arms like a toddler.

No? She couldn't be. She's acting like a baby.

"Thanks." She told the people she was talking to.

I didn't pay much attention as my fingers pooled the built up electricity into a shape of a lighting bolt.

Her eyes darted to me.

Did she see me?

Is that her power?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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