Chapter 5: Who said Math was Easy?!

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Alora Romano

"You'll be alright, Alora

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"You'll be alright, Alora." The nurse said patiently.

I nodded as I rubbed my head. I got an ice pack and a lolipop- as Atlas requested.

"Thank you!" I smiled and she smiled back, "No problem. Now be a dear and try not to bash your head in. I know math might be hard, but no point in hurting yourself."

I nodded, "I promise!"

Mrs.Flores is so nice. She's a great nurse. The even old she is beautiful and kind, just like her heart.

She told me her story as she patched me up.

She's an elderly Filipino women, who came here for an opportunity. She's so brave and kind.

I wish I was brave. Instead I whine and cry. A lot.

Atlas stood behind Mrs.Flores as she examined me. Thankfully I don't have an concussion.

"He's so sweet. He's a keeper." She winked at me.

Who's she talking about.

Atlas stood tall with a frown.

What's going on in that head of his?
I tilted my head causing my hair to fall in front of my eyes blurring my vision a bit.

Before I could push it out of my face I felt a warm sensation tickle my cheek.

I feel as though I've felt this warmth before. A warmth Ive felt so many times, it's so familiar. And so nostalgic.

I close my eyes and lean my head into the warmth.

Fingers brush my cheek bones so softly, causing me to see a thousand stars.

I let out a gasp as something warm touches my forehead gently.

Before I know it something wet travels down my right cheek.

I'm crying?

This feeling of warmth feels like the sun itself is on my face. The warmth feels like home.

"Don't cry, airhead."

I opened my eyes to see Atlas bent down on a knee in front of me, "I don't like to see you cry."

I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes with my sleeve, "Sorry."

"Don't apologize. Why did you cry?" He tilted his head and actually looked concerned.

But why? He calls me airhead, so why should he care?

"Look you don't have to tell me... but." He paused and looked around the room.

I tilted my head and waited for him to continue.

He groaned and covered his eyes with his hands, "I-I don't know. Just tell me!"

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