Chapter 2: Gemini

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Atlas Carlton

"What a strange thing

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"What a strange thing." I muttered as I rushed out the building.

"Mr.Carlton. Are you alright?" Mrs.Haines walked over and looked me up and down.

I nodded, "Fine, but that Romano girl might not be. I'll go back and check."

"Mr.Carlton, I'm sure she's alright. The fire department is already here and checking out the scene. No need to get in their way."

I nodded and got in line, even though my body wanted to rush in there and wrap her in my arms.

This is ridiculous! She pulled the alarm. There's no fire! She's safe... yet I feel an urge to do it.

I clenched my fist by my side.

'She'll be fine' I repeated as a mantra in my mind.

But the other part- the annoying part- of my brain said otherwise.

This part of me is different. If I said anything to anyone I'd probably be in an insane asylum.

'For the last time, you are not insane. I am a part of you. I am Azazel!'

"Shut up will you." I whispered harshly.

"I didn't say anything!" Sophia whispered back, her eyes wide as she looked shocked that I said something.

I rolled my eyes, "Not you. Sorry."

She nodded slowly and rubbed her arm.

Sophia is more of the silent type. Some people say she's weird but she doesn't seem to mind as her head is in a book or daydreaming.

She'd probably get along well with the airhead.

What am I saying?

I don't even know her. Much less care about her.

'I care.' The annoying voice called out.

'Shut up.' I snapped. If he had a real body I'd slam him to the ground.

'I can see the thoughts you picture.'

Let me paint a picture for you.

Imagine being seven years old when an accident with gangs appear killing your parents.

Somehow the seven year old blanks out, and he's surrounded by dead bodies.

He passes out and is left with no memories.

The hospital takes care of him and hands him off to his rich aunt and uncle who don't care and send him off to the system.

After years of being passed around, the voice in his head that's been there since he woke has taken control of his body.

Yes. You heard me. There is someone else. Another part that takes control like the boy is a puppet. Two minds in one body.

That boy is me, Atlas Carlton. The boy abandoned by his own family and his memories.

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