Chapter 6 : A Hopeful Musician

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Atlas Carlton

Atlas Carlton

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"I'm home." I throw my bag by the door and walk into my small apartment.

My aunt and uncle didn't want me living with them so I picked up two jobs and rented this apartment.

I walk over to my bed and lay down. I need some rest before my shift for dinner.

The second I close my eyes I see her.

Light blondie hair that looks silver, floating in the wind.

Her face is scratched out and blurry.

Her arms wide open, "Azazel!" She says so warmly.

"I'll find you."

My heart pounds and I clutch my chest.

I feel myself moving forward. Wait. Not me. Azazel.

"And I'll find you. Always." We grabbed her hands in ours.

She leans up, not on her tiptoes but floats like a cloud. Light and airy. So graceful.

She leans toward us and we lean forward.

"Azazel... my world, my moon." She whispers inches away from my face.

Before I can respond an earth shattering ring, sweeps over my dream.

I shoot up and clutch my head.

Whenever I dream about her my head throbs and I'm left with a painstaking headache.

I stand and crack my back as I rush to grab my waiter uniform.

I quickly button up my shirt and rush out of my apartment. Thankfully I could just slide into my shoes.

Soon I make it to the four and a half star restaurant. Giovanni an Italian restaurant. Also Giovanni is the infamous mafia don in New York City.

I'm glad I landed a job as a waiter just by bumping into him. After hearing information about his gang in an alley way.

I threatened his guys I would say something. Giovanni smirked and asked if I would work for him. I asked to play as a pianist in his restaurant. He refused but made me a waiter with a higher pay.

I hope that one day I can be a pianist there instead of a lousy waiter. I asked my boss about it since there's a piano in the center of the dinning area. Unfortunately he said no. The piano is just for show now.

The piano is still in good condition and gets a tune up every now and then. It's polished every three months and cleaned every night before we close up.

The piano is cherished dearly by Mr.Giovanni, but it's never played.

I wonder if this has something to do with his past wife.

Never mind, it's not important. Or my business. I fiddle with my tie and open the back door to the kitchen.

"Hey, Joe!" I wave to the chef who is bush shouting orders like this is some Michelin restaurant.

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