Chapter 7: A Dream?

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Alora Romano

"Dinner was great!" Roman grinned ear to ear and slung his arm around me

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"Dinner was great!" Roman grinned ear to ear and slung his arm around me.

I quickly pushed his arm off me, "No. It wasn't "great"."

"You're just saying that because you know you're an airhead."

"I prefer the term, dreamer." I snapped and stomped on his foot.

Even in college for computer science he still acts like a child.

"Can you shut up?" I ask glaring at him as he's making faces at me.

"I didn't say anything!" He grinned and continued to make weird faces at me.

"Mom!" I whined.

"Roman. Alora. Both of you. Knock it off." She turned and gave a sharp glare, "I mean it."

We nodded wordlessly as she gave us her "mom" look.

My brother pretended to zip his lips and I gave her a salute.

She rolled her eyes and turned around.

My brother quickly shoved me and I fell into an alley way, "Roman!" I yelled as I rubbed my poor bum.

"Roman, apologize." Dad scolded.

"It wasn't me. She tripped! You know how she is."

"Did not! I'm not a klutz. He pushed me!" I yelled throwing my arms in the air. My family has gone delusional if they think I'm a klutz.

"Sweetie, we'll always love you." Dad said lending me a hand to stand up.

I rolled my eyes but accepted his hand, "Thanks."

"No problem, kiddo."

I guess dad didn't hear my sarcasm. Oh well.

Then I saw a little spark or electricity in the corner, taking the form of a miniature lighting bolt.

"Hey. I think I'll take a walk to blow off some steam. I'll come home later."

"Oh? Okay. Come home in thirty minutes please. I don't want you out here at midnight. It's dangerous."

"Got it. Thanks dad." He patted me on the head, like how you would a dog.

"Thirty minutes, kiddo."

I nodded and confirmed the time, "Thirty minutes."

I waited for them to leave before walking to the flashing corner.

"Um... hello?"

There was no response.

"Who am I kidding. Light doesn't talk." I muttered as I kicked a can across the dead end alley way.

"Alora. Right?"

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