Chapter 4: Easy, Breezy, Math is Easy

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Atlas Carlton

Atlas Carlton

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"Mr.Carlton. You're behavior was completely unacceptable!"

I looked at the old croon. My principal is old, he should probably be retired.

Who am I kidding. He should definitely be retired.

"Oh son, I don't want to call you're guardians, but this behavior is unacceptable."

"Sorry... sir. It was an accident." I replied to Mr.Goodmen.

He sighed and rubbed his temples, "What are we gonna do with you? You're parents..."

I clenched my fist as he mentioned them. My memories of my childhood in this life are vague and unfamiliar.

"Never mind. But I can't leave this unpunished. You'll have detention for a week." He handed me a slip.

I grabbed it from his wrinkled hand, "Atlas, please be more careful next time. You're a good kid."

"Thank you, Mr.Goodmen. I'll be in your debt."

He nodded and gave me a grandfatherly smile.

I couldn't hold my grimace. He's a good principal, but I have a gut feeling he isn't like this out of school.

I quickly walk out. Thankfully Azazel didn't say anything out of place.

'He should respect us more. I don't like him.' Azazel added as I walked over to my friends.

"Hey Atlas!" I turned as I looked for the masculine voice that called my name.

I grinned, "Hey, Bentley!" I clapped him on the shoulder, "You guys did great during the game last night. You gonna try out for basketball this year?"

He clapped me on the shoulder, "Only if you join."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll think about it."

"Great! I already got Josh and Easton to think about it."

I raised my brow, "Easton? But he hates sports. Why would he think about joining one?"

"He doesn't hate sports. He just prefers theatre." Blaze defended quickly.

I nodded raising my hands up, "Right. Sorry."

An awkward silence was held between us. Perhaps I should say something.

'You think?'

I ignored Azazel. Again.

"Sorry I snapped. I shouldn't have behaved like that."

"It's fine. He's our friend. I understand."

He clenched his fist, "Yeah. You understand." He said it so quietly I don't think I was supposed to hear it.

I nodded my head and we continued to walk to my our next class. Algebra two.

The hallway was still crowded and we had thirty seconds before the bell would ring.

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