Calm down princess

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(This chapter is going to be a test chap. I'm going to try and make it from Jazmines point of view instead of the narrator's)

I grabbed the phone and dialed the number of the only person I knew that would take me in. The only person I knew that lived well over 1,300 miles away from me.

Ring ring
Oh it was his mom
"Hey, sorry it's late. Is Keith there?" I asked her
"Yeah he just got home, HEY TWO, JAZ IS ON THE PHONE FOR YA"
Damn she can yell; I thought to myself
"Two-Bit speaking" he said
"Keith, Since when we're you 'Two-Bit'?" I asked playfully.
"Wait, who is this?"
"Don't act dumb Keith"I said back
"I'm just kiddinggggg, what's up Jazzie?" He asked
"Uhhh so basically is the offer still up?"
"Are you talking about-"
"Yes" I said cutting him off "the one we made when you came and visited us"
I smiled as the memories came back:
I was ten years old, my dad had started getting really sick. His mom went to school with my dad, so they all came to visit him. My mom didn't really like his mom, I think it was a jealousy thing. My dads face and mood would change whenever he saw her. They were better meant to be than my mom and him. But anyways, I remember me and Keith were at the park and just randomly he said, "if anything ever happens to your parents, I will send someone up here to bring you all the way to my house and you can live with me".
I was snapped out of the trance I was in when he yelled: "YES JAZ!! Of course it's still up!!"

After explaining to him my situation, he told me he had a friend that was in my area, and he'd call him.
"Imma call my friend, his name is Dallas, he's up there visiting friends. He should be coming back down soon. Call me back in like 15 minutes, okay?"

There I was, replaying memories in my head of me and Keith. I missed him a lot. But I was also wondering, what's Dallas like? He's talked about him before, but what's he really like?
Keith's told me about his friends before and they all seem really nice. Anytime something happens, I'm one of the ones that get to know about it. Last time Keith called me was to tell me that his friend, Ponyboy, got jumped but some rich kids. I hate how the labels are over there. And now I'm probably going to be living there, as a poor kid, a Greaser. I can't complain though, I bet it'll be fun.

I looked at my silver watch I got for my 15th birthday, and saw that 20 minutes had passed by. Had I really been thinking this long?
I walked back to the phone and dialed the number again.

"Yeah you're good, where are you staying the night?" Keith said
"I'm good for what? And I'll probably pull an all nighter at Mercy Park."
"He said he can bring you here on his way back."
"Omg Keith thank you so much dude"I said happily.
"Of course Jaz. I'll let him know to pick you up there."
After thanking him like 100 times, I waited on the swings for whoever this Dallas kid was.

I heard a car pull up and instinctively grabbed my blade from my back pocket. It was real nice, it was also silver, just like my watch. It was my last birthday gift from my dad, it was for my 12th birthday.
I don't open it, but it was in my hand. I only opened it after I saw a man walk towards me.
"Can I help you?" I said rudely.
"Hey hey, calm down princess. Are you Jazmine?"
"Who are you?"
"Elvis Presley obviously." He said sarcastically
"Hahah very funny" I said in the same tone as him.
"Nah babe I'm Dallas Winston, Two told me to pick you up or sum. He said you want to go to his house or live with him, I don't remember."
"Can I trust you? I don't know you and I've only heard of you a few times."
"Just trust me." He replied back
Jaz it's okay, he seems legit.
We walked to his car. He opened the door for me: wow he's a little gentleman, even though he towers over me.
The ride was silent for the first ten minutes, until I broke the ice.
"Are you staying here longer or are you going straight to Tulsa?"
"Well, I gotta get my stuff first man." He said, eyes glued on the road.
"Okay" I said quietly.
We pulled up to a house and he parked the car.
"So are you Twos girlfriend or sum? He's never asked for a favor like this." He said finally looking at me.
Damn he's scary looking. Not in a horror type of way, but he's intimidating, like a lion or something.
"Nah man" I said with a chuckle, "we've been friends ever since I was ten, so six years."
"Mmhm" he said doubtingly
"You don't have to believe me," I said crossing my arms
"It's not that I don't believe you, you just don't come off as someone who would be Twos friend."he said "you don't seem like a greasy girl. You be probably never even broken a law before." He said way too confidently.
"You don't even know me" I scoffed
"I will soon enough" he said as we walked out of his car and into the house.

I was in the car alone, god he's annoying, I thought to myself.
He doesn't even know me, and he's making assumptions about me.
Whatever, the drive can't be that bad.
Or so I thought.

Thank you for reading;)) have a good day and drink water!!!

ʕ•ᴥ•ʔThank you for reading;)) have a good day and drink water!!!

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Just trust me|| Dallas Winston FFWhere stories live. Discover now