Night talks

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When we got to the diner, it was definitely something. The seats were sticky and the music was too quiet. Like I get it, its like 5 in the morning, but come on, blast some music.


"Here we are!" I was finally brought home at like 6:15 in the morning.

After showering and getting my stuff ready in my room, I said hi to Keith's mom. 

"...yeah, I don't have many rules except pick up your trash off the floor." She said with a laugh, "Oh and you are allowed to leave the house whenever, just either call so i know you're alive, or just show face and let me know what you're doing." 

"Okay," I said also laughing,"I heard there is a little Matthews now?" 

"Yes but she's sleeping now, I'll introduce you to her tomorrow." She said with a smile. 

"Yayy! Thank you!!" I said as I walked to my room.




I walked into my room. It was nice to actually have a real room. I was a smaller room then the rest, but obviously bigger than my laundry room-room. The walls were a baby pink sort of color. The closet was a decent size but I didn't have lots of clothes, so it looked bigger than it really was. The bed was nice and soft too. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes, trying to sleep. 

I was asleep for about an hour before I heard a knock on my window.

"Princess Jazminnnne, your royal suitor is here." I heard someone say in a really bad British-ish accent. 

"Keith quit messing with me." I said with a laugh

"Whaddid i dooo" I heard Keith say from the kitchen

Whos outside then? "Sorry bro I thought you said something to me" I yelled back  

I heard the mysterious person laugh from outside the window. 

I walked up to the window and saw someone standing there looking straight at me. 

I opened the window, "Dallas?! What are you doing here?" I whisper-yelled at him. 

"Ya know you don't have to whisper in this house doll, you got free speech." 

"Whatch out" I said as I swung my legs around to sit on the ledge, facing Dallas.

"So whadda ya want Winston? I was trying to sleep ya know?" 

"Princess, the sun is going to be up soon, so should you." he said smiling 

"Why are you here Dallas?"

Its not that I didnt like Dallas, its just that me and him arent close like that. Besides Keith, the only other person I'm Close to is Soda and Steve, and thats because sometimes I help out at the DX if I'm bored. 

"I wanna do something with you. Do you drink?"

"No I don't drink. Goodbye" I said swinging my legs back into my room. I went to go close the window but Dallas stopped it with his hand. 

"I'm coming in"

"" I said trying to push his hand away. I don't really know why I decided to try and fight him away from the window even though I knew he was gonna get through. 

Dallas walked in my room and sat right on my bed. 

"Winston, please get off my bed with your dirty ass jeans."

"What you want me to do? Take them off?"

"UGH NO just go sit on the chair over there. " 

"I dont want to" 

"Whatever" I said sitting next to him. I was still tired so I just gave up and laid down on my bed as he sat at my feet. 

"How you gonna go back to sleep if I'm here?" 

I turned around to face him,"You asked if I drank and I told you no, what do you want me to do?" 

"Whatever man" He said laying next to me. 

"You better stay facing that way." I was facing the wall and he was facing the door. Our backs were facing each other.

"Why are letting me stay here if you clearly dont like me." 

"A) Its not that I dont like you and B)I dont feel like arguing with you right now." 

"Whatever you say doll."


Thank you for reading! Stay safe and healthy during school! (for the people who go to school) 

Thank you for reading! Stay safe and healthy during school! (for the people who go to school) 

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